Thank you Council for Responsible Nutrition for sponsoring this post. This is #MyWeekSupplemented. It is no secret that I have been on a whirlwind of a ride with my health over the past six years or so. While I recently received a chronic Lyme diagnosis, it took a whole lot of time, doctors, diet changes, [...]

These weeks of pregnancy are just a flyin' by! How in the world we are already to the end of the third trimester sure beats me. But I'll take it! My food aversions and cravings have changed quite a bit over the past 37ish weeks. And as a result, my days of eats have been [...]

Now that I am nearly 20 weeks pregnant, I am happy to say that my days of nausea are basically gone. But those darn food aversions have still been sticking around! I think they are getting a wee bit better, but what remains has made my desire to cook pretty minimal. And very little cooking [...]

On Tuesday I shared the deets on my four-day food rotation diet, why it came to be, and why I sort of hate it. And since I am sure that many of you are curious what that actually translates into in a 24-hour period, I thought I'd share a day of my rotation eats. I [...]

Today I am sharing how real life eats look when you feel like complete crap. As I mentioned last week, I was diagnosed with mono while on my honeymoon, and have been experiencing symptoms for about three weeks now. Crazy, right? Unfortunately, one of the symptoms that I have been oh-so-lucky (<--totally facetious) to display [...]

Because we are long overdue for a Meals and Snacks Lately post! And because I know I am not the only crazy who loves stalking others' food habits, hence my extreme love of Instagram. Here's what I've been munchin' on lately, all via my iPhone and Insta! Meals and Snacks Lately Breakfasts I am totally [...]

Pictures of my meals and snacks lately. Because we all need inspiration now and then! I eat good food and I cannot lie. No but seriously, I really do eat good, delicious, so super yummy food. Like 95% of the time. And since it has been a while since you've seen some of my daily [...]

This week I am straying away from my traditional What I Ate Wednesday post by sharing tons of meals and snacks that I have eaten recently, both via my iPhone and DSLR. No particular day. No particular time. Just lots of good eats from the past week or so, several of which you may have [...]

While What I Ate Wednesday posts don't happen every week around here anymore, I still love popping in and sharing a day of my eats every now and then. From a fellow lover of peeking into others' full day of eats, I hope you find it all as fascinating as I do! <-- Or maybe [...]

It's the first Wednesday of January, and I say we celebrate with a What I Ate Wednesday look at a day of Paleo eats (via my iPhone)! What I Ate Wednesday: January 6, 2016 This has been my favorite breakfast as of lately. I essentially sautéed collard greens (I often use kale) with veggies and [...]