Four weeks have quickly passed and it is time for another pregnancy update! This time we are recapping weeks 23 through 26. Oh, and I am hosting a fun giveaway that you can get all of the deets for at the end of this post! This week, baby is the size of a: hothouse cucumber (or approximately [...]
second trimester

And just like that we are at the 22 week pregnancy update! Time is flying (especially since I am actually 22 weeks and three days today). A lot has happened over the last month. The body is changing, baby is growing and making his or her presence known, and we have been checking things off of [...]

Now that I am nearly 20 weeks pregnant, I am happy to say that my days of nausea are basically gone. But those darn food aversions have still been sticking around! I think they are getting a wee bit better, but what remains has made my desire to cook pretty minimal. And very little cooking [...]

Eek! It's my 18 week pregnancy update already. Kind of crazy, right? I feel as though the first trimester absolutely drug on forever and ever. Probably for two main reasons: 1) I felt terrible, and 2) very few people knew I was pregnant so I had to hide my excitement. But now that the second [...]