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Normally I would include a keyword-rich sentence here to help boost the SEO of this post. But I haven't thought about search engine optimization in months, and I don't want to start now. In the last year, I have posted a total of two blog entries. The first one being this recipe; and the second: [...]

Finding Joy After a Chronic Illness Diagnosis

It has been almost six months since my last post.  The last time I had radio silence on the blog, I was pregnant and experiencing morning sickness.  So you may be wondering if that is the case yet again.  I am here to tell you that it is not.  This is not an announcement post [...]

My Healing Routine for Chronic Lyme Disease including herbs, diet, supplements, and detox #lymewarrior #lymedisease #healing

A look at how I am healing Chronic Lyme Disease including the use of herbal tinctures, my detox routine, an update on my diet, and the financial costs of healing. Healing Herbs It have been about five months since my Chronic Lyme Disease diagnosis and about two months since I started treatment.  To recap, I [...]

Postpartum Flare Up of Chronic Lyme Disease

A look at my postpartum flare up of chronic Lyme disease and a couple of "new" diagnoses. It has been a wild last few months.  Learning how to be a mom is hard.  Learning how to be a mom when you do not feel well is even more difficult. If you have been around for [...]

The Best Food Photography and Blogging Props that are absolute must haves! #foodphotography #foodblog #blogging

The best food photography props out there right now that I have just gotta have.  Really.  I need them.  We're talking photography boards, dishes, utensils, linens, glasses, and more! What does a girl like me dream about purchasing or receiving for a gift?  Food blogging props.  Duh.  Wouldn't you know, my birthday just happens to be [...]

My Supplement Routine in a Picture a Day #ad #MyWeekSupplemented

Thank you Council for Responsible Nutrition for sponsoring this post. This is #MyWeekSupplemented. It is no secret that I have been on a whirlwind of a ride with my health over the past six years or so.  While I recently received a chronic Lyme diagnosis, it took a whole lot of time, doctors, diet changes, [...]

Reframing My To Do List in this Season of Life #healthyliving #healthy

Does anyone else feel like they blinked and suddenly it was December?  No?  Just me?  Yeah right.  I know I am not the only one who has had a completely nutso year.  With pregnancy, house projects, HAVING A BABY, working, blogging, and just trying to stay afloat while also getting a few hours of shut-eye, my [...]

My Journey to a Diagnosis of Chronic Lyme Disease #healing #chronicLyme #chronicillness #LymeDisease

As I sit down to write this post, I am realizing it has been ages since I have given one of these updates (it looks like June of 2016, to be exact).  In all honesty, when dealing with chronic health issues that you cannot seem to get a diagnosis for, you eventually just try to push [...]

A review of the best frozen gluten-free waffles measuring taste, toasting ability, texture, quality of ingredients, and price.

A detailed, non-biased review of the Best Frozen Gluten-Free Waffles featuring my opinion on the taste, texture, toasting ability, and ingredient quality of six popular brands of frozen waffles. Of all of the foods that I ate when I was pregnant, gluten-free frozen waffles have got to be the most commonly eaten food of all. [...]

Breastfeeding is hard, especially as a new mother. Society makes breastfeeding out to be beautiful and natural, but that is not always the case!

While this is absolutely a food blog and not a baby and breastfeeding blog, I feel like I would be doing a huge disservice to women everywhere if I did not write this post.  I hope to use this platform to reach as many people as possible about this topic because I feel it is [...]