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Reframing My To Do List in this Season of Life #healthyliving #healthy

Does anyone else feel like they blinked and suddenly it was December?  No?  Just me?  Yeah right.  I know I am not the only one who has had a completely nutso year.  With pregnancy, house projects, HAVING A BABY, working, blogging, and just trying to stay afloat while also getting a few hours of shut-eye, my [...]

12 Things I Want to Tell Every College-Aged Woman | cleaneatingveggiegirl.com

When I'm not writing this 'ole blog, you are likely to find me at my full-time, 40-hour per week job. I work in higher education at a local state school, which results in me spending my days talking to mostly 18 to 22 year-olds about academics, life, career goals, etc. I have worked at this particular institution [...]

A letter to the woman with morning sickness... | cleaneatingveggiegirl.com

A letter to the woman with morning sickness, First of all, congratulations!  You're pregnant!  That's pretty darn amazing, awesome, wonderful, and beautiful.  I think we sometimes forget that part when we are in the thick of things with "morning" sickness <-- I use quotations because obviously we know it doesn't just occur at the beginning [...]

The Reason I Have Been MIA on the Blog... We're Pregnant! | cleaneatingveggiegirl.com

In case you missed it, on Tuesday I shared that Jeremy and I are expecting our first little babe.  To say we are excited would be an understatement! In an effort to get everyone all caught up to speed, I'm sharing a recap of the first trimester through a question and answer format.  Some of [...]

The Bridal Shower and Bachelorette Party | cleaneatingveggiegirl.com

You know those days when your heart is just so stinkin' full and you feel like your happiness cup is overflowing? Those days when you feel like you could not be more content? Yeah, this past weekend I was blessed beyond belief with those very feelings. If you're planning a special event and want to [...]


When you experience chronic pain and health issues, it is difficult not to let the frustration, anger, and "why me?" situations get the best of you.  If you have experienced something similar, you likely know exactly what I am talking about. I have spent the better half of my almost three years of chronic pain [...]


Happy Monday, my dear friends!  I hope your weekend was as great as mine.  We are now rolling into the final five-day work week of November, and my holiday spirit is in full gear.  It is hard to believe that Thanksgiving is less than two weeks away, but I am more than looking forward to [...]


.Life happens.  And holy moly has it been happening for me lately! Three weeks is a pretty long blogging break for me.  But to be honest, blogging has been the furthest thing from my mind.  You'll soon find out why <-- enter suspenseful music.  But before I get to those major life changes, I want [...]


"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are"- Theodore Roosevelt thanks to Erin for this picture! Do What You Can, When You Can {Sweat, Cycle & Soul Review} I do not normally start off my posts with quotes from famous people.  In fact, I never have.  But this one just seemed fitting! [...]


In the case of this post, the general definition that I use for "clean eating" is as follows: Clean eating involves choosing to eat nutritious, whole foods that are in their purest forms, while avoiding processed foods.  It is also important to note that I am not a Registered Dietitian, nor do I have a [...]