It is Monday and I am happy about it. Wait, what? While I am lucky enough to never really dread Mondays, I have had my fair share of the Sunday evening blues. But this week I get to have the Monday evening blues instead. If you are lucky like me, you are off of work [...]
Weekly Meal Plan

Happy Monday, friends! I hope your weekend was as great as mine was. While I did not get in on the Halloween fun, I spent a great couple of days with Jeremy. We spent Saturday afternoon at an area bar day-drinking and watching the Iowa game. As you may have seen on Instagram, I came [...]
A Whole 30 Grocery Haul {What’s Inside My Grocery Bags #10} + Weekly Meal Plan
July 19, 2015 in Other
It has been a little while since one of these posts has popped up here in CEVG girl land, hasn't it? Over a month, to be exact! Things are a bit different this time around, though. This grocery haul post is going to be all about the Whole 30-compliant ingredients I purchased this weekend. If [...]

Today is Sunday and you know what that means! It's meal prepping day! Even though I love food, cooking, and eating, I actually am normally not super-duper thrilled about prepping a bunch of food all at once. My hands get tired of chopping, and I just feel lazy and want to sit on my behind. [...]

It has been a little while since I have shared my grocery haul with y'all. So, I deem today the day to talk about all things grocery-related. Be sure to stick around until the end to see what is on my meal plan for the week, too! My meal planning strategy is changing a bit, [...]

I think (?) you guys have been enjoying my recent posts about my grocery hauls, so I am planning to continue sharing them a couple of times each month. I like to assume that I am not the only complete weirdo out there who likes to snoop in others' pantries, refrigerators, and grocery carts. Lucky [...]

Thank you to everyone who left such positive and helpful comments on my post last Thursday. I truly appreciate it, and I promise to keep you updated on how things go. I have also updated my "About Me" page, so check it out! Happy Sunday, all! Is there anything better than a lazy Sunday morning? [...]

After two weeks of not-so-healthy eating back home for the holidays, it is time to kick it back into gear with the new year. I try to set myself up for success by stocking my freezer, fridge, and pantry with healthy foods, and by planning out veggie-filled meals for the week. After returning back to [...]

A sneak peak into my meal plan for this week and a simple, quick, and delicious recipe for a Mexican-themed pizza for one. Check it out! I'd like to think that I eat good every week. And by "good" I do not mean "perfect." I mean that I eat relatively healthy and deeelicious meals. I [...]

A super simple, 3-ingredient vegan taquito recipe and a meal plan! Three ingredients? Check! Ready in 20 minutes? Check! Tasty vegan taquitos? Check! But more on this healthy lunch/dinner/snack recipe in a bit... First, let's talk about this week's meal plan! Weekly Meal Plan: August 4th to 10th, 2014 Monday: Vegan, Lentil, Kale & Salsa Verde [...]