.Life happens. And holy moly has it been happening for me lately! Three weeks is a pretty long blogging break for me. But to be honest, blogging has been the furthest thing from my mind. You'll soon find out why <-- enter suspenseful music. But before I get to those major life changes, I want [...]

Flavorful and healthy nightshade-free Paleo baked chicken strips that are kid and adult-friendly. Whip these up for your next gluten-free lunch or dinner! To say that life has been busy lately would be an understatement. I have had a lot going on both personally and professionally, and I hope to share more regarding this with you [...]

Look who is back with a blog post! Hint: it's me, Hannah (in case you had forgotten my name). Life has been crazy busy lately and, to be honest, blogging just has not been where my heart and mind have been over the past couple of weeks. But that does not mean I don't still [...]

Proof that sweet potatoes are most definitely for breakfast. But nobody wants a boring tator. Top 'er off with things like butters, fruits, nuts, and seeds. I've got you covered with tons of topping ideas! White potatoes are a classic in the morning. Hashbrowns? Check! Hash with potatoes? Absolutely! Diced breakfast potatoes? Always! Potatoes in [...]

A compilation of what I consider to be the best Whole 30 recipes, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner! These recipes are all gluten-free, grain-free, and dairy-free! On Wednesday I shared what a post-Whole 30 day of eats looks like for me. You probably did not notice much of a difference since I am continuing to [...]

I skipped out on the last couple of What I Ate Wednesday posts since my reduced blogging "schedule" went into effect, but I am back today with a full day of eats. I finished up the Whole 30 about a week ago, and while I am continuing to eat mostly Whole 30-compliant, I am allowing [...]

The perfect vegan, Whole 30-compliant breakfast that does not involve eggs. This Chocolate Banana Coconut Chia Pudding is just as great as a snack or dessert as it is for breakfast! Long time no talk, eh? It has been about a week since I last posted. But to be honest, this more sporadic posting schedule [...]

A three-ingredient, non-alcoholic, Paleo, and Whole 30-compliant Sparkling Berry Kombucha Spritzer that is perfect for summer. Bring this to your next party, or sip on it throughout a hot afternoon.Yesterday I gave you a little teaser for one of the most amazing drinks that I have ever tasted. And guess what? It is non-alcoholic and Whole [...]

This past Saturday was the epitome of summer. It was a Whole 30 Saturday at the lake. Doing the Whole 30 may not scream "fun," but I made it work and had a blast with some of my favorite people. Jeremy and I met up with Erin (and her husband, Josh), Jordan (and her husband. [...]

A step-by-step tutorial explaining how to make the perfect fried egg. Start practicing, and then enjoy eating fried eggs for breakfast, lunch, and brinner! I have always loved eggs, but we have been extra special BFFs these past 18 days. Preparing Whole 30-compliant lunches and dinners is not hard at all, but I have found [...]