Look who is back with a blog post! Hint: it's me, Hannah (in case you had forgotten my name). Life has been crazy busy lately and, to be honest, blogging just has not been where my heart and mind have been over the past couple of weeks. But that does not mean I don't still [...]

I skipped out on the last couple of What I Ate Wednesday posts since my reduced blogging "schedule" went into effect, but I am back today with a full day of eats. I finished up the Whole 30 about a week ago, and while I am continuing to eat mostly Whole 30-compliant, I am allowing [...]

This past Saturday was the epitome of summer. It was a Whole 30 Saturday at the lake. Doing the Whole 30 may not scream "fun," but I made it work and had a blast with some of my favorite people. Jeremy and I met up with Erin (and her husband, Josh), Jordan (and her husband. [...]

July 1st? Wowsers. We are officially halfway through the year 2015, and I am pretty baffled as to how in the world that happened so quickly. Any ideas? Yeah, me neither! Today in celebration of What I Ate Wednesday, I am sharing a full day of my post-vacation eats. I have to say that it [...]

I hope y'all had a great week this past week while I was in Colorado. I'll start my recap posts tomorrow, but for now I am hooking you up with a crazy good (and easy) recipe for Sriracha Almond Turkey Burgers ... aka heaven in burger form. Sriracha? Almonds? Turkey Burgers? Sign me up! When [...]

It's another What I Ate Wednesday day! I am partway through my Colorado vacation, so we are keeping things short and sweet today. Check out what I ate last Tuesday via my iPhone (because I was too lazy for anything else). What I Ate Wednesday: June 24, 2015 This particular Tuesday started off like nearly [...]

This What I Ate Wednesday is going to be short and sweet because, to be honest, I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off this week. I got back from a weekend in Iowa on Monday afternoon, have been working like a busy bee and squeezing in some friends time, [...]

Grain-free, Paleo, and Whole 30-compliant Ground Turkey Plantain Nachos that make for the perfect meal or snack. You have not had nachos until you have had plantain nachos! I'm just going to go ahead and say it. These nachos may be one of the best things I have ever made and eaten at home. Seriously! [...]

Do you ever feel like the week drags by when you have something to look forward to on the weekend? Don't get me wrong, I am always looking forward to Friday evening. But I especially love when I am going somewhere or have something special planned. The downside of fun weekend plans is that the excitement [...]

It is the first What I Ate Wednesday post of June. That's right. June. How crazy is that? I'm pretty excited that the sixth month of the year has arrived, because I have all sorts of fun things going on over the next 30 days. Bring on the good times! And bring on the good [...]