A three-ingredient, non-alcoholic, Paleo, and Whole 30-compliant Sparkling Berry Kombucha Spritzer that is perfect for summer. Bring this to your next party, or sip on it throughout a hot afternoon.Yesterday I gave you a little teaser for one of the most amazing drinks that I have ever tasted. And guess what? It is non-alcoholic and Whole [...]

This past Saturday was the epitome of summer. It was a Whole 30 Saturday at the lake. Doing the Whole 30 may not scream "fun," but I made it work and had a blast with some of my favorite people. Jeremy and I met up with Erin (and her husband, Josh), Jordan (and her husband. [...]

A delicious vegetable cornbread utilizing Summer and Fall produce. It is the perfect dinner side dish. I know the title says "Summer," but hear me out. This cornbread recipe utilizes fresh produce from your Summer garden, but it also happens to be produce that is available year round. Anything "Summery" just sounds extra appealing to me. [...]