Paleo Nightshade-Free Sweet Potato Chip Nachos make for the perfect meal or snack. Whip these up quickly for your next party or gathering! This is heaven on a plate. If you don't think so, feel free to leave (I kid... kind of). Even though I have been introducing some fun new-ish foods as of late, [...]

Keep reading to see what I consider to be The Best Paleo Products to Buy at Costco! I'm a five grocery store chains kind of girl. I cannot commit to just one, and I often visit two to three in one week just to buy all of the products I'm after. Does this result in [...]
Nightshade-Free Paleo Sloppy Joes with Sweet Potatoes
April 21, 2016 in Entrees, Recipes, Sandwiches
These Nightshade-Free Paleo Sloppy Joes with Sweet Potatoes will satisfy all of your sloppy joe cravings without a single pepper or tomato! Sloppy joes were a regular thing in our household when I was growing up. I'm talking the out-of-a-can sloppy joe sauce in ground beef served on a white hamburger bun. And believe it or [...]

The best Paleo Nightshade-Free Springtime Guacamole using green onions and radishes to give it that perfect kick! Spring is here! Spring is here! ...or at least I think it is considering we saw snow last week. You know what that means, right? More and more delicious produce is popping up in the grocery stores and [...]

Pictures of my meals and snacks lately. Because we all need inspiration now and then! I eat good food and I cannot lie. No but seriously, I really do eat good, delicious, so super yummy food. Like 95% of the time. And since it has been a while since you've seen some of my daily [...]

Today I am sharing 13 of the Best AIP Paleo Ingredient Swaps because eating the AIP way doesn't have to be difficult! Even though I have recently been transitioning a bit away from the AIP Paleo diet and more towards the "regular" Paleo diet in preparation for my honeymoon, I want to share some of [...]

Another Friday Favorites roundup post to celebrate the fact that it's Fri-Yay! Oh, Friday. I never thought you would get here! Has anyone else had kind of a slow week? This week felt totally strange for me because the past month has been crazy busy with wedding preparations, friends' weddings and showers/bachelorette parties, and a [...]

Satisfy those comfort food cravings with these AIP Paleo Sweet Potato Biscuits and Cauliflower Gravy. Who knew such a cozy meal could be so healthy? When I transitioned to a mostly Paleo diet, I had all but written off ever being able to eat certain foods again. Pizza? Nope. Macaroni and cheese? Not happening. Biscuits [...]

Nacho Burger Sliders on Sweet Potato Buns make for the perfect appetizer, meal, or snack. Whip these up for the next big game or dinner party! Beside preparing this dish, you can also bet on games through sites like 온카. Some foods in life you can never ever go wrong with. I mean really, have [...]

Good morning and happy last Sunday of February! Things are getting real around here as I am preparing to move into the last full month before the wedding in April. We are officially just a little less than six weeks out, and I still have plenty of small details to hammer out. Since I am naturally [...]