Are you tired of chili yet? No? Good! What about the freezing cold weather? Are you tired of that yet? Yyyeah, me too! I am glad we agree on both of those. Since we are all still loving on chili, I have a delicious recipe to share with you. And, because it has been so bitterly [...]

A lot of my creative (or some may think "weird") recipes come about when I am lying in bed at night and cannot sleep. This is great and all, but it is also a little bit inconvenient since it a) interrupts my sleep and b) causes me to have to get out of bed to [...]

I have a confession to make. As a meat-eater, I never liked chicken salad. In fact, the idea of it totally repulsed me. Now, as a mostly plant-based eater, I eat some of the strangest things. Well, they are really only strange to my former meat-eating self. I hate regular mayonnaise, but I love vegan [...]
Broccoli Cauliflower “Rice” Egg Cups + Updated Giveaway Winner!
December 30, 2013 in Breakfast, Other
Hi all! I hope your holidays are going swimmingly (don't you just love that word...or maybe I am weird? ;))! I promised you all that I would not leave you empty handed over my Christmas/New Years break, so I am popping in to share a quick recipe with you. Though lets be honest, I wrote [...]

I had absolutely no intention of posting today, but I literally have to share the link to the BEST chocolate pie that I have ever eaten. And...wait for's vegan! Katie's Ultimate Chocolate Fudge Pie was recommended to me by Kelly, and I am so beyond happy that I decided to make it for Christmas this [...]

It's here. Finally, Monday is here! I can pretty much guarantee that you will never see me type those words again because on most occasions I am usually pretty sad when Monday rolls around. But not this Monday. This Monday I am going to see my family, puppy dogs, and some great friends, and I [...]

Last Friday night I met up with several other lovely ladies at my friend Molly's for a food/wine/Christmas movie night. We ate. We drank. We talked...and talked. And yes, some inappropriate conversation occurred, which always seems to happen when you get a group of 20-something women together ;). We had intended to watch the movie [...]

YUM, right? Right! These babies are tasty! You have probably noticed that I am not much of a baker. I tend to stick with creating vegetarian and vegan breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. On occasion I will throw in a smoothie or a nut butter here or there, but desserts have never really happened...until now. To be [...]

After yesterday's post you are probably well aware that I am slightly obsessed with gingerbread. Okay, I confess. I am very obsessed. But in the blogging world you aren't one of the "cool kids" unless you are whipping up batches of all things gingerbread right now. I'm only kidding..sort of! ;) So let's keep the gingerbread trend [...]
Gingerbread Obsessed: Gingerbread Almond Cashew Butter + Gingerbread Hot Cocoa
December 16, 2013 in Desserts, Other, Snacks
It is official. I am obsessed. If you could not already tell from previous recipes I have posted, my recent What I Ate Wednesday posts, and my Twitter and Instagram feeds, I like gingerbread flavored foods...a lot. But lucky for me, I have noticed that you like them a lot, too! And there really is no [...]