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April 2015

This post is sponsored by Blue Diamond Almonds.A year ago, I never would have thought I would be eating salmon, much less loving salmon.  Now I cannot get enough of it. Though fresh salmon can be on the pricey side (um, $7.99 per filet is rough on my credit card), I try to treat myself to [...]


Simple three-ingredient Lentil and Refried Bean Taquitos that are protein-packed, vegan, and gluten-free. I thought I had hit the jackpot back in August when I made taquitos with refried beans and hummus.  Don't get me wrong.  The refried beans and hummus combination is delicious!  But this time I made us all something even better. A couple [...]


As I mentioned last week, adopting a gluten-free diet at home has been pretty darn easy for me.  I realized that I do not eat as much gluten as I thought, and with some simple substitutions like GF bread and oats, I have been tackling a gluten-free diet just fine. My biggest struggles with following [...]


Today is the day when one of my favorite people in the whole entire world was born 32 years ago. And while I do not get to spend the day celebrating with him in person, I was so fortunate to have spent all of last weekend doing our birthdays up right!  In my post on [...]


A super simple Greek-inspired chickpea salad that is chock full of veggies.  It is a delicious spring/summer side dish and the perfect make-ahead lunch. I am craving salads like mad right now. Salads with lettuce, salads with pasta (GF now), and of course one of my favorites, chickpea salads. At this point I am not discriminating. [...]


Wednesday, Wednesday... oh how I like thee!  Not love, though.  Love is reserved for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  But only until about midday on Sunday.  At that point the Monday-eve blues start setting in. As with nearly every other Wednesday here on Clean Eating Veggie Girl, I am celebrating What I Ate Wednesday and sharing [...]


When you take a peek into my pantry, there are a few things that you will always, always find. Oatmeal?  Check! Popcorn?  Check! Nut butter?  Check! And one other thing that I am quite fond of... Rice cakes! I kid you not.  From the time I moved into my apartment over two years ago, I honestly [...]


Remember a couple of weeks back when I posted about my weekend back home to celebrate my dad's birthday and my birthday?  I'm doing the same thing again, but this time we are talking about my birthday and Jeremy's birthday!  Somehow I got lucky and was able to celebrate my birthday twice.  I'm not quite sure [...]


Happy Friday!  Jeremy is in town and I could not be more excited.  I'll be working this morning and then taking the rest of the afternoon off.  We have big plans for good eating and drinking this weekend, and I promise to recap it all on Monday.  But until then, I am joining in on [...]


As I promised on Monday, today I am sharing an update on my health and diet.  If you aren't into the nitty-gritty personal posts, I'll catch you tomorrow!  But in hopes that I this post may connect with someone, I want to share my struggles and experiences throughout this bump in the road.  I hope you [...]