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July 2014

Guess what day it is?  No, not Wednesday (sorry, I had to do it!).  It is actually Thursday, which I am much happier about than Wednesday because that means we are that much closer to the weekend.  But it is not just any Thursday.  This Thursday is a little extra special because it is time [...]


Lentil and Cabbage Casserole with cornbread. Robyn's Blueberry Buckwheat Pancakes (with vegan chocolate chips in place of the blueberries) topped with peanut butter. A Summertime pasta salad recipe... more on this one soon! Still loving on Zevia.  This is definitely one of my favorite flavors. Lentil Sloppy Joe in a lettuce wrap, more cornbread, and a [...]


It has been awhile since I have linked up with Becky for Treat Yourself Tuesday.  I thought it was rather fitting today though since I did a whole lot of treating the past three days with my boyfriend- who is still here until Wednesday and I am super excited about that!  Good eats and drinks, [...]


This post on compiling an easy and delicious vegan snack plate is sponsored by Blue Diamond Almonds through their Tastemakers program.  I was provided with free product and was compensated for my time but, as always, all thoughts and opinions are my own. I'm not going to lie.  In the past I have gotten a [...]


I love Hawaiian pizza. I also love warm pineapple... and tempeh on sandwiches... and grilled cheese sandwiches... and pretty much anything and everything that is sweet and savory. And it turns out that when you add all of those things up, you get an awfully tasty Hawaiian pizza-inspired vegan grilled cheese sandwich. I am definitely not [...]


It sounds like you all are enjoying reading about my recent eats as much as I am enjoying sharing them.  So, let's officially say goodbye to the old What I Ate Wednesday style that I used to follow and focus my WIAW posts on my favorite recent eats.  I think it keeps things a tad bit [...]


This giveaway post is sponsored by Swanson Health Products.  I was provided with a $45 coupon code to purchase the following items.  I was not compensated in any other way.  As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own. This week marks the 45th anniversary of Swanson Health Products bringing wellness to the world.  It [...]


A tutorial on how to select a perfectly ripened avocado and how to cut it.  I swear, it is super easy! You might look at an avocado and think, "I cannot wait to eat that!" or "Ahh, one of my favorite foods!"  You may also find choosing and cutting an avocado to be a simple and [...]


Hooooollly moly it has been awhile since I have written up a Friday Foodie Favorites post!  In fact, my last post was over a month ago.  That is just totally unacceptable!  I do think that I have a pretty good excuse, though.  With being gone on vacation for over a week and home for the [...]


This easy recipe for Chocolate Pretzels enables you to have a delicious and healthy snack in five minutes flat. Remember yesterday when I got all crazy and mentioned the upcoming Christmas holiday?  I hope you don't hate me for that!  And to take it even further, I am going to come out and admit that I am [...]