A Friday Favorites round-up featuring all things Pin-worthy from around the web. Happy Fri-Yay, friends! If your week has been anything like mine, it has been biz-zay (AKA, super busy)! But with a busy week also comes a serious feeling of accomplishment and major gratitude for the weekend. And this weekend is bound to be [...]
Avocado Lime Baked Salmon with Nightshade-Free Guacamole
February 16, 2016 in Entrees, Recipes, Salads, Sides, Snacks
A simple and easy Avocado Lime Baked Salmon with Nightshade-Free Guacamole recipe that is perfect for a quick lunch or dinner. Bring on the healthy fats! Life is full of surprises. Like this simple baked salmon with hints of avocado and lime that you probably never saw coming (seriously, Jeremy was quite surprised with his first [...]

This week I am straying away from my traditional What I Ate Wednesday post by sharing tons of meals and snacks that I have eaten recently, both via my iPhone and DSLR. No particular day. No particular time. Just lots of good eats from the past week or so, several of which you may have [...]

An Epic AIP Paleo Breakfast Hash that makes eating a "fancy" breakfast completely doable, even when you have limited ingredients or are traveling. Make this on the weekend for the week ahead, and feel free to eat it for lunch and dinner, too! Hash? Scramble? Stir-fry? I sort of feel like all of these labels [...]

10 Easy AIP Paleo Snack Ideas that will keep you from ever going hungry. These are perfect on the go, too! I adopted my eating habits to the Paleo diet a little more than six months ago. Since then, I have been slowly eliminating additional foods to get closer and closer to the Autoimmune Paleo [...]

An AIP Paleo nightshade-free chili recipe that goes great stuffed in baked sweet potatoes. You won't believe this does not contain tomatoes or peppers! Today let's talk about some of my favorite things, including but not limited to: chili honeymoon planning love stories romance novels puppy dogs And if you think these are not all related, [...]

Crispy Baked and Fried Healthy Sweet Potato Fries are hands down the best way to cook your tator. I'd eat this Paleo, vegan side every day of the week if I could! I know what you're thinking. Three posts in one week? Things are getting a bit cray cray around here. I blame it on [...]

While What I Ate Wednesday posts don't happen every week around here anymore, I still love popping in and sharing a day of my eats every now and then. From a fellow lover of peeking into others' full day of eats, I hope you find it all as fascinating as I do! <-- Or maybe [...]

It is not too often that I stop by here on a Sunday, but then this Screenshot Sunday idea popped into my head (I'm sure this is actually nothing new and I am just behind the times) and well, naturally, it needs to be posted on Sunday. It would be a bit strange if I shared [...]

Plantain Chip Turkey and Veggie Meatballs are a perfect batch-cooking dish for weekend meal prep. I bet you'll never guess the secret ingredient! When I think of the Paleo diet, there are several stereotypical foods that instantly come to mind: grassfed beef, cauliflower "rice," zucchini noodles, plantain chips, coconut oil, bacon, and meatballs. And they come to [...]