Happy Friday and Happy December! It's hard to believe we have reached the last month of 2016, but I'm definitely not upset about it. December is easily one of my favorite months of the year since I am a bit holiday obsessed. What can I say? This time of year just makes me feel so [...]
Friday Favorites

It 100% makes sense that sharing favorites happens on Fridays. Just the whole concept of Fridays makes me giddy. It's sort of silly, really, since Fridays still involve a full eight-hour day of work. But I guess it is sort of like the night before Christmas? There is just so darn much to look forward to! In [...]

Happy last Friday in July! Wah, wah. This sort of makes me want to cry because that means it is almost August, which means Summer is almost over. But only sort of because, IT'S FRIDAY! Because of that, I am definitely not in the crying mood. Talking about a few of my favorite things doesn't [...]

Happy Friday, my foodie friends! Can you believe this is the last Friday in June? That means we are almost to July, which practically means Summer is almost over <-- okay, that was a bit dramatic. But in all seriousness, what they say about time going by faster as you get older is definitely true. And [...]

Happy Friday, y'all! This is an extra special and happy Friday for me since I have so many fun things that are about to happen. If you're short on time, feel free to skip down to the end of this post to find out just why I am beyond thrilled that this day is here! [...]

Another Friday Favorites roundup post to celebrate the fact that it's Fri-Yay! Oh, Friday. I never thought you would get here! Has anyone else had kind of a slow week? This week felt totally strange for me because the past month has been crazy busy with wedding preparations, friends' weddings and showers/bachelorette parties, and a [...]

A Friday Favorites round-up featuring all things Pin-worthy from around the web. Happy Fri-Yay, friends! If your week has been anything like mine, it has been biz-zay (AKA, super busy)! But with a busy week also comes a serious feeling of accomplishment and major gratitude for the weekend. And this weekend is bound to be [...]

A compilation of what I consider to be the best Whole 30 recipes, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner! These recipes are all gluten-free, grain-free, and dairy-free! On Wednesday I shared what a post-Whole 30 day of eats looks like for me. You probably did not notice much of a difference since I am continuing to [...]

It's Friday! Finally! Remember when I said that the week was going by quickly thanks to the three-day weekend? Yeah, I take that back. I think the cumulative of a long Wednesday and Thursday made up for the extra day off on Monday. This week did not feel any shorter to me, so I am [...]

Get excited! Friday Foodie Favorites are back! I have had a few people asking for these for the past several weeks, and I have been seriously slacking. In celebration of Friday and the return of me sharing my favorite recipes from other bloggers, I have compiled a list of some seriously tasty dishes. Oh, and I [...]