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February 2015

Happy Friday the 13th!  I'm not much for superstitions, so I actually find Friday the 13th to be fun!  I guess I have a thing for the number 13. I also have a thing for food.  Good food, that is.  Every single week, I make new-to-me recipes from other bloggers just like me (and not like [...]


Happy What I Ate Wednesday!  I hope your week is off to a good start.  Today I am sharing tons of my latest eats via my Instagram account.  Make sure you follow me on Instagram right here! I'm linking up with Jenn from Peas and Crayons today. What I Ate Wednesday via Instagram Veggie bagel [...]


When I typed out the title to this post, I realized how interesting it is that I choose to label Iowa as "home."  I have lived in Nebraska for over two years now, yet I still cannot get used to Omaha being "home."  Maybe I will always call my hometown "home?"  Or maybe there is [...]


This Cinnamon Banana English Muffin French Toast is a twist on the classic.  Bake these babies up for a delicious, yet healthy, vegan weekend breakfast. Valentine's Day just so happens to be on a Saturday this year which is also one of the reasons I got this remote control vibrator for more enjoyment.  You know [...]


Maybe some days you feel like eating fish.  Other times, you may feel like eating vegan.  So what happens if you have both feelings at the same time? In that situation, I'd recommend buying Fishless Filets from Gardein™ (garden + protein = gardein), whipping up an easy peasy homemade tartar sauce (recipe below), and going to town!  You'll [...]


A few weeks back, I shared some of my favorite go-to food blogs that I visit whenever I am on the lookout for healthy recipes (which is most of the time).  I know many of you found new-to-you food blogs to visit, and I found some new ones to love after you left me links in [...]


Welcome to the first What I Ate Wednesday post of February!  I am pretty happy that February is the shortest month of the year because that means March is right around the corner.  My birthday is in March, and Spring begins in March.  What more could we ask for?  Now let's just hope that Mother [...]


I shared my thoughts on clean eating and how it can become unhealthy about a month ago.  I truly appreciated the positive feedback, and felt as though it resonated with many of you.  Sticking with the "clean eating" topic, I thought it would be fun to share my own personal "Do's" and "Don'ts of how [...]


Raw, vegan Cheezy Broccoli Poppers that are perfect for snacking.  These will turn anyone and everyone into broccoli lovers- kids and "big kids at heart" included! Don't tell my boyfriend this, but I have never been a huge broccoli lover.  If you asked him what his favorite food of all time is, he would probably say [...]