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restaurant review

Remember a couple of weeks back when I posted about my weekend back home to celebrate my dad's birthday and my birthday?  I'm doing the same thing again, but this time we are talking about my birthday and Jeremy's birthday!  Somehow I got lucky and was able to celebrate my birthday twice.  I'm not quite sure [...]


Yesterday I shared with you some of my favorite vegetarian-friendly restaurants.  It turns out that the post is already slightly outdated, because I need to add a new location to the list!  It is official.  My favorite vegetarian-friendly brunch location is Over Easy. Omaha Eats: Over Easy Erin ate at Over Easy for the first [...]


I moved to Omaha a little over two years ago, and I can genuinely say that I love it here.  While the weather is not always ideal, Omaha has so many things going for it.  It has a "big city" feel without being too big.  The shopping and entertainment opportunities are spot on.  The beer scene keeps [...]


What. an. EPIC. weekend. Seriously.  I had a blast!  I spent time with friends.  Jeremy was here most of the weekend.  We drank good beer.  We ate delicious food.  And we relaxed.  That is my idea of an ideal weekend. Now I am sitting here on a Sunday night writing this weekend wrap-up post.  As you [...]


When I typed out the title to this post, I realized how interesting it is that I choose to label Iowa as "home."  I have lived in Nebraska for over two years now, yet I still cannot get used to Omaha being "home."  Maybe I will always call my hometown "home?"  Or maybe there is [...]


Just like that, the dreaded first day of the work week is upon us.  Some of you are lucky enough to have a three-day weekend thanks to MLK day.  I, however, am not so fortunate.  But instead of whining too much (I'm still going to whine a little), I am going to try my hardest to focus on [...]


Happy Monday! Okay, let's be honest.  That "happy" part is totally fake on my part.  I had a great weekend and I am extremely sad that it went by so quickly.  While I have a shorter day at work today (thinking of the positives), I also have a five hour drive to get there (not [...]


This past weekend was full of fun adventures that were easily some of the best highlights of the past month.  That may or may not have had something to do with the fact that Jeremy was here visiting.  Jeremy was not the only important person in my life who was here, though.  One of my best [...]


This post is sponsored by the Kansas City Convention and Visitors Association.  Our hotel room and King Tut Exhibit tickets were compensated, but all other eats and treats were paid for on our own. I grew up going to Kansas City.  My aunt lives in the KC area so it was not out of the [...]


A restaurant review of Omaha's first vegan restaurant, Modern Love. I have never been so eager to write a restaurant review in the almost two years that I have been blogging!  When I first found out that an all vegan restaurant was opening in Omaha, I was so excited.  When I found out that it [...]