A peek at my latest Thrive Market haul. I thought I had an obsession with Thrive Market (referral link) before I got pregnant, but now I am truly convinced that I do. It could be because I am trying to keep things as natural as possible during pregnancy, which Thrive Market is all about. But I really [...]
Grocery Bag

It is Monday and I am happy about it. Wait, what? While I am lucky enough to never really dread Mondays, I have had my fair share of the Sunday evening blues. But this week I get to have the Monday evening blues instead. If you are lucky like me, you are off of work [...]

Happy Monday, friends! I hope your weekend was as great as mine was. While I did not get in on the Halloween fun, I spent a great couple of days with Jeremy. We spent Saturday afternoon at an area bar day-drinking and watching the Iowa game. As you may have seen on Instagram, I came [...]
A Whole 30 Grocery Haul {What’s Inside My Grocery Bags #10} + Weekly Meal Plan
July 19, 2015 in Other
It has been a little while since one of these posts has popped up here in CEVG girl land, hasn't it? Over a month, to be exact! Things are a bit different this time around, though. This grocery haul post is going to be all about the Whole 30-compliant ingredients I purchased this weekend. If [...]

Today is Sunday and you know what that means! It's meal prepping day! Even though I love food, cooking, and eating, I actually am normally not super-duper thrilled about prepping a bunch of food all at once. My hands get tired of chopping, and I just feel lazy and want to sit on my behind. [...]

It's Sunday and I actually do not have the Sunday blues today! Why, you ask? Because I am one of the many who are lucky enough to have a three-day weekend! I am loving it, and I have decided that this needs to be a regular thing. If I had the opportunity to work four [...]

Happy Sunday! I hope your weekend has been great so far. I had a pretty busy work week, so I am enjoying kicking back and relaxing (for the most part) this weekend. Sometimes you just need those "lazy" weekends. My last grocery haul post was all the way back in the beginning of March. But [...]

It has been a little while since I have shared my grocery haul with y'all. So, I deem today the day to talk about all things grocery-related. Be sure to stick around until the end to see what is on my meal plan for the week, too! My meal planning strategy is changing a bit, [...]

I think (?) you guys have been enjoying my recent posts about my grocery hauls, so I am planning to continue sharing them a couple of times each month. I like to assume that I am not the only complete weirdo out there who likes to snoop in others' pantries, refrigerators, and grocery carts. Lucky [...]

After two weeks of not-so-healthy eating back home for the holidays, it is time to kick it back into gear with the new year. I try to set myself up for success by stocking my freezer, fridge, and pantry with healthy foods, and by planning out veggie-filled meals for the week. After returning back to [...]