Lot's of 14s in today's title! I am weird when it comes to numbers. I love when dates and times follow a cool sequence. I imagine that I will really enjoy it when it is April 14th. Again, like I said, I am a bit weird cool ;). But enough of my silliness. Let's talk about [...]
Friday Foodie Favorites

Get ready. This is about to happen. I am going to share with you a Friday Foodie Favorites post two weeks in a row! I held out on you all for so long with the FFF posts that I have tons of great recipes to share with all of you. Let's get to it! Friday Foodie [...]

I must apologize, friends! I have majorly left you hanging when it comes to sharing some of my favorite recipes from around the blogosphere. In fact, it has been over a month since I shared my last Friday Foodie Favorites post. But do not worry. I am coming back strong with this one. An awesome [...]

It is Friday and we are more than halfway through the month of January. Both of these things are very, very good. I already mentioned that January and I just do not get along. This is the month where I am still feeling some of the holiday blues, and it is also one of the coldest and [...]

Welcome to the first Friday Foodie Favorites of 2014! I had to think a little bit when I was writing the title to this post. I am still not used to it being 2014 and not 2013. I have a feeling it will take me several weeks to fully get used to that. But 2014 [...]

First off, happy Friday the 13th! ;) Do I have any superstitious blends out there? I must say that I am not much for superstitions, so to me it is just another day. Well, maybe it is not just another day. It is Friday, after all, and Fridays make me oh so happy! Food makes me [...]
Thanksgiving Day, 2:00 p.m. I am SO full. I just sat down on the couch after a delicious Thanksgiving lunch. Talk about stuffed. I ate two large platefuls and then gave up. I haven't even dug into my vegan pumpkin pie yet even though I am super excited to try it. Give me a couple [...]
Friday has rolled around again and I am quite happy about this. Is anyone else a fan of Fridays? No? Haha, just kidding! I know you love Fridays just as much as I do :). The main reason why I enjoy Friday is pretty obvious- it means we are super close to the weekend and [...]
I am always excited when Fridays roll around, but lately I have been extra excited about my Fridays. Last Friday I worked a half day and headed right into a fabulous weekend at my best friend's bachelorette party in Chicago. This Friday is a great one, too, because I am off of work at 3 [...]
Happy Friday!! Not only am I ecstatic about the fact that it is Friday, but I am especially happy about THIS particular Friday for two reasons. 1. I am only working until 12:00 p.m. today (I could totally get used to 4 hour days ;)), and 2. I am headed to Chicago tomorrow for my best [...]