Gluten-Free Restaurants in Milwaukee and Madison + a recap of our babymoon adventures. Not too long after Jeremy and I found out we were expecting our little babe, we knew we wanted to get a trip on the calendar in celebration of our last getaway before becoming parents <-- AKA a "babymoon," but apparently anyone older [...]
Restaurant Reviews

The next edition of Iowa City Eats Gluten-Free: Big Grove Brewery & Taproom. I am really liking these posts, you guys. I mean, how could I not? Who doesn't love eating out and checking out new restaurants in their city? Funny joke, right? Everybody loves doing that! Iowa City Eats Gluten-Free: Big Grove Brewery & [...]

I lived in Omaha for nearly three years between 2012 and 2015. It is a city that I truly love and miss, and it will forever be on my list of favorite places. Not only is it the perfect size with a great cost of living, but there are a million events to attend and [...]
Iowa City Eats Gluten-Free: Atlas, Scratch Cupcakery, & QDogs BBQ
March 30, 2017 in Restaurant Reviews
Three Iowa City Eats Gluten-Free reviews coming your way from Atlas, Scratch Cupcakery, & QDogs BBQ Company. It's been awhile since I have posted one of these bad boys, eh? Like, we are talking four and a half years ago! It's hard to believe I have even been blogging for that long. And I must [...]

Happy Valentine's Day, friends! I can't say I have ever been much of a V-Day "lover," but ever since Jeremy and I started our own Valentine's tradition last year, I may just have to add it to my favorite holidays list. Last year we celebrated Valentine's Day by taking a day trip to Decorah, Iowa. [...]

A little run-down of several allergy-friendly restaurants in Colorado, specifically in the Denver and Colorado Springs areas. It's my third and final Colorado recap. And while it is hard to believe that it all went down almost three weeks ago, it feels like I can still taste so much of the delicious food. As I [...]

A Gluten-Free Day in Santa Fe Shortly after Jeremy and I got married, we came to the conclusion that we wanted to set a big goal for ourselves as a couple. We want to be able to say that we have traveled together to all 50 states in the US. So far we are up [...]

Well hello there, stranger! It seems we haven't seen one another in a while. The past 11 days have been quite the adventure. Jeremy and I went on a drive for a total of about 37 hours that took us to Omaha, Denver, Fort Collins, Boulder, Santa Fe, Colorado Springs and a few other places in [...]

Can we all agree to just not talk about yesterday? Everyone knows that the Mondays are stinky. But they are especially vile after a four-day weekend filled with family time, baseball, ridiculously good food, and city living. Understandably, I never wanted Monday to rear her ugly head. Yet despite my kicking and screaming, our weekend [...]

Disclaimer: I do not have Celiac disease and, therefore, was not overly concerned regarding possible cross-contamination when making my selections at the following restaurants. If you have Celiac disease, I certainly recommend asking the appropriate questions of your server regarding “GF-marked” items. My fifth and final Colorado recap is coming 'atcha. This post features our [...]