Tons of Healthier Halloween Options for Trick or Treating this year to make your house one of the healthier stops in the neighborhood! My childhood memories of Halloween revolve around dressing up as a bumblebee one year and Barney the next, trick or treating with my mom and brother, and hoarding/scarfing down as much candy as humanly [...]

Simple Sweet Cinnamon Parsnip Fries that make for the perfect Paleo meal pairing or as a sweet and savory vegan dessert! These sweet cinnamon parsnip fries are the perfect thing ever for when you get tired of sweet potato fries. Hah! Funny joke, right? I don't think I could ever get sick of sweet potato fries. [...]

Ring in the start of Fall with this Nightshade-Free Vegetable Beef Soup. It's pure comfort on a cool night! Hallelujah! Soup season is here! Granted, I totally eat soup in the middle of Summer, but to be socially acceptable, today is "officially" soup day. It is the first day of Fall, after all. Growing up, [...]

Walnut Pesto Chicken Meatloaf is comfort food at its finest and perfect for family dinners! If there are two things that I was most obsessed with during the Summer of 2016 it would be these two things: pesto sauce made with walnuts anything made with chicken (which I never thought would happen) And since I [...]

On Tuesday I shared the deets on my four-day food rotation diet, why it came to be, and why I sort of hate it. And since I am sure that many of you are curious what that actually translates into in a 24-hour period, I thought I'd share a day of my rotation eats. I [...]

A Bacon Cinnamon Roll Breakfast Cookie that is perfect for all of your back-to-school cravings! I have been missing that sweet and salty combo like mad. Growing up, I always thought THE ultimate sweet and salty food combination was Wendy's french fries dipped into a creamy Frosty... or maybe vanilla ice cream topped with salted peanuts, if I [...]

Chicken Bacon Ranch Meatballs are delightful on their own as an appetizer or paired with your favorite side for a meal! Does anyone else feel like lately ninety percent of their non-working time has been spent in front of the TV watching the Olympics? I have been sucked in big-time. I originally thought it was because [...]

These Beefy Beet Burgers with Sweet Peanut Butter Sauce are sure to be the Summertime burgers of your dreams. This recipe has been a loooong time coming. Granted, when I originally pictured how this post might go, I was a vegetarian eating a mostly vegan diet, so the addition of beef is a bit of a [...]

Sausage and Veggie Cauliflower Rice is the epitome of the perfect Summertime dish... and it's totally customize-able with all of your favorite veggies! If there is one dish that epitomizes my Summer this year, this is it. And guess what? I can basically take zero credit for it! My friend Erin posted a "random" dinner [...]

Pesto Chicken Zucchini Noodles put all of your delicious Summer produce to good use in a gluten-free, Paleo-friendly way! You probably shouldn't classify me as the stereotypical "healthy living blogger." Why? While there are about a million reasons, today it is because I do not eat zucchini noodles (or "zoodles") likes its my job. In fact, I [...]