Today is the day when one of my favorite people in the whole entire world was born 32 years ago. And while I do not get to spend the day celebrating with him in person, I was so fortunate to have spent all of last weekend doing our birthdays up right! In my post on [...]

A vegan and gluten-free Single-Serve Cacao Nib Banana Bread Muffin that perfectly satisfies your sweet tooth in a healthier way. Remember when I said that I was a big-time Tuesday hater? I wasn't lying. I generally am not a fan. But I am going to make an exception today. This Tuesday is a bit different [...]

Happy Monday morning to you! I spent the weekend at home in Iowa and have a five-hour drive ahead of me this morning. It had been close to two months since I was last home, and I had two great reasons (among many others) to make the drive back to my hometown. Friday was my [...]

Welcome to the first Friday Foodie Favorites of 2015! With the busyness of the holidays, I have not made a whole lot of new recipes. As a result, I have been relying on your recipes to get me through. I came across a few favorites along the way, and today I am going to share them [...]

Happy Wednesday and What I Ate Wednesday, y'all! I am sticking to my "minimal technology use over my Christmas vacation" plan, but wanted to pop in quickly to share What I Ate on Christmas Day! Breakfast was a mixed bowl of cereal, including: Kashi Go Lean, puffed kamut, Love Grown Honey Power O's, and Whole Foods [...]

Long time no see! I am trying my best to truly enjoy myself and my time off during my Christmas vacation. As a result, you have not seen much of me out in the blogosphere. I had a few posts pre-written before vacation and a couple more for the coming week, but other than that, you [...]

Have a wonderful holiday with those you love the most! Eat lots. Drink plenty. Be merry! And most importantly, be grateful.

A healthy, delicious, sweet, and savory combination that makes for the perfect main or side dish. Add this vegan-friendly dish to your holiday meal plan to please all eaters alike. In case you had not noticed, or if you happen to live in a dark hole, I am going to let you in on a [...]

Last Thursday was spent cooking, relaxing, drinking, eating, and spending quality time with my family and boyfriend. We all definitely put a major emphasis on the eating and drinking part. In the spirit of all things food related (since it is Wednesday, after all), let's take a look at what I ate on Thanksgiving day! [...]

Happy Monday! Okay, let's be honest. That "happy" part is totally fake on my part. I had a great weekend and I am extremely sad that it went by so quickly. While I have a shorter day at work today (thinking of the positives), I also have a five hour drive to get there (not [...]