Just like that, the dreaded first day of the work week is upon us. Some of you are lucky enough to have a three-day weekend thanks to MLK day. I, however, am not so fortunate. But instead of whining too much (I'm still going to whine a little), I am going to try my hardest to focus on [...]
Restaurant Reviews
Colorado Recap #5: Breckenridge, Silverthorne, and Denver (Continued)
July 8, 2014 in Restaurant Reviews
Are you getting tired of my Colorado recaps yet? I sure hope not! Hopefully you are enjoying seeing all that Colorado has to offer when it comes to drinks, food, and entertainment. And maybe I have even convinced you to consider it as the location for your next vacation. My final recap will focus on [...]
Colorado Recap #4: Boulder, Idaho Springs, and Silverthorne
July 3, 2014 in Other, Restaurant Reviews
Happy Thursday and almost Fourth of July! There is nothing quite like celebrating America's freedom with tasty eats and ice cold drinks. It turns out that my boyfriend and I did a whole 'lotta early celebrating during our vacation in Colorado a couple of weeks ago. The good food and delicious drinks continue now in [...]

Ahh, where were we when we last left off? That's right! My boyfriend and I had just finished off our third day in Colorado with lots of adventures and good eats in Denver. Next up: a Tuesday in two small and quaint (okay small and quaint compared to Denver!) Colorado cities. Expect lots of beer and [...]

When we last left off on my Colorado adventure, the boyfriend and I had spent two glorious days in Denver. Let's take a peek at all of the fun we had in Denver on Monday! Oh, and most importantly... the eats! After a much-needed sleep in, we headed to the Denver Museum of Nature and [...]

Now that I am somewhat back into the swing of things, let's start recapping my trip to Colorado! My boyfriend and I visited Denver, Fort Collins, Boulder, Silverthorne, and Breckenridge in the span of a week. We were busy, but we had a ton of fun. We ate lots of delicious food (a lot of it [...]
Everything You Need for a Memorable Feast with Whole Foods!
November 23, 2013 in Other, Restaurant ReviewsGuess what? Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, and New Years Eve are right around the corner. Seriously, they will be both here before we know it! When I think of the holidays I think of a lot of things, including family, friends, shopping, snow, decorations, and quite possibly and most importantly...food! Let's face it. The holidays in [...]
Omaha Eats: Kitchen Table I had a great dinner and a fabulous dinner date last Thursday night! I heard about a new restaurant in Omaha a few weeks ago called Kitchen Table and instantly knew that I wanted to try it. And when Erin moved to town about two weeks ago, [...]
How tasty does this sandwich look? Super delicious, right? Well, this time, I think that looks can be deceiving. This sandwich was just not tasty or delicious, it was far beyond that...and in a good way! Since moving to Omaha, I have frequented several vegetarian and vegan friendly restaurants. I [...]
So, this is the first edition of "Omaha Eats" that I have mixed feelings about. Does this edition discuss a restaurant with delicious food? You bet! But would I eat there again? That is still to be determined. The Greenbelly is a health-focused and environmentally-friendly restaurant in West Omaha, Nebraska. [...]