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A Three Cooks One Kitchen edition of how to make grilled cheese sandwiches on the grill. I swear our monthly cooking adventures are titled "Three Cooks One Kitchen" even though so many of our recent installments have been all about the grill.  Living in the Midwest, we have to take advantage of the warm Summer months and [...]


A delicious vegan buffalo sandwich that will leave you asking, "who needs chicken?" Not convinced?  Well, it sounds like I need to prove you wrong! Since becoming a vegetarian about two and a half years ago, there are really only a few meaty foods that I really miss.  And guess what?  Chicken is not one of [...]


This delicious egg salad incorporates the tastes of Summer produce: fresh peppers, peas, and tomatoes. I eat approximately 90% vegan and one of the main reasons why it is not 100% is because of my love for eggs.  I really love eggs. Scrambled eggs. Poached eggs. Sunnyside-up eggs. Hardboiled eggs. Let's be real.  Eggs are good [...]


I love Hawaiian pizza. I also love warm pineapple... and tempeh on sandwiches... and grilled cheese sandwiches... and pretty much anything and everything that is sweet and savory. And it turns out that when you add all of those things up, you get an awfully tasty Hawaiian pizza-inspired vegan grilled cheese sandwich. I am definitely not [...]


I am definitely a pizza kind of girl. And I am definitely a breakfast pizza kind of girl. Breakfast pizza is somewhat of a staple here in the Midwest.  And if you grew up eating breakfast pizza like I did, you know that the best places to buy it from are gas stations, especially Casey's General [...]


Kind of looks like guacamole, doesn't it? Well... not quite. What if I told you that this delicious green goodness was actually made from one of my favorite Springtime vegetables and that it does not contain a single bit of avocado (though I am definitely kicking myself  for not adding avocado to this sandwich)? Have [...]


There are just some sandwiches that I cannot forget.  Some sandwiches that I cannot get off of my mind.  At one point in my life, one of those sandwiches was a barbecue pulled pork sandwich.  Now I have not eaten pork in over two years, but what I have eaten is my own take on [...]


Another chickpea salad?  Yes, this is happening.  I hope you are not too upset with me.  But you see, I have an obsession with chickpeas and I especially love them in "salad" form.  I admit it.  I'm not ashamed of it.  And to be honest, I am quite certain that these chickpea salads will continue [...]


Have you ever heard of a loco moco?  No?  Okay, good because neither had I until about two months ago. My parents traveled to Hawaii in January while I stayed back in the freezing cold Midwest.  Since both of my parents know how much I love food (obviously), my mom sent me quite a few [...]


That is quite the title, eh?  (<--I think I secretly wish I lived in Canada).  It may be a long and complicated title, but I could not leave out any one of the delicious ingredients that make up this grilled breakfast sandwich.  But do not worry.  This sandwich is far from complicated.  I often combine [...]