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If you hadn't already seen the title of this post, I have a feeling that I may have worried some of you.  Sure looks like meat, doesn't it?  Well, have no fear.  I am still following my veggie ways...and still eating some darn good food!  I posted about this sandwich in a What I Ate [...]


I teased you yesterday with a mention of nachos for breakfast.  Did I have you intrigued?  I sure hope so, because it is not every day that you eat nachos for breakfast.  At least I hope you don't ;).  Now, I am not talking about the traditional nachos with tortilla chips, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and [...]


I am coming at you this Sunday morning with a super quick spur of the moment post.  Why, you ask?  Well, I have two reasons.  One involving food (shocking, I know), and one involving blogging.  Basically, I am in need of your advice when it comes to blog design.  But before we get to that, [...]


Cabbage is one of those foods that is very underrated.  I was guilty of assuming that I did not like cabbage in the past, simply because it seemed like everyone around me only had negative things to say about it.  But this past year I sucked it up and tried cabbage and now there is no [...]


First off, Happy Halloween everyone!!  While Halloween is not one of my most favorite holidays (I am more of a Thanksgiving and Christmas kind of girl), I still appreciate and enjoy the sentiments of dressing up in costumes and eating tasty Fall-like treats.  I am pretty sure that we are all very aware that Fall [...]


Guess what today is y'all? (no I'm not Southern, I just love that word! ;))  That's right.  Today is Tuesday.  Now, normally I would severely dislike this day.  You see, Tuesdays and I really don't get along.  Tuesdays keep me from being close to Fridays and, thus, normally tend to make me a bit unhappy. [...]


You may remember from my Healthy Living Summit 2013 review posts that one of the awesome sponsors of the conference was Ninja Kitchen.  And when I referred to them as awesome, I wasn't messing around.  Ninja has a brand new blender that just hit the stores recently, and they offered to send me my very [...]


I have a confession.  I do not like oatmeal.  I have tried it time and time again, but have experienced the same end result.  I just cannot get into it.  But do you know what I absolutely can get into?  And, in fact, have fallen in love with?  Overnight oats!  Overnight oats are kind of [...]


Fall is officially here.  The weather in the Midwest the past week has been chilly and rainy with highs only into the upper 50's and lower 60's.  You know what this means...Winter is right around the corner.  As much as I don't want to say that, it is the truth people!!  But we don't have [...]


Fall = pumpkin season in foodie land.  But do you know what other fabulous food this season brings?  Why, spaghetti squash, of course!  Since October began, I have roasted somewhere around five spaghetti squashes.  My cravings for spaghetti squash have been in full force and I most certainly do not see them disappearing anytime soon. [...]