The 13th of May, eh? Could it be that we are seriously almost halfway through May? Let me tell you, this year is faallyyying by. On the one hand, I am excited because that means June will be here soon. I have a lot of fun things planned for next month. On the other hand, [...]

May just kind of crept up on us now didn't it? Happy first day of May! I hope you week is going well. I have had a fast-paced work week, and am more than ready for a girls weekend here in Omaha with my mom. It has been awhile since she has made it out to [...]

Get excited! Friday Foodie Favorites are back! I have had a few people asking for these for the past several weeks, and I have been seriously slacking. In celebration of Friday and the return of me sharing my favorite recipes from other bloggers, I have compiled a list of some seriously tasty dishes. Oh, and I [...]

A savory pescetarian breakfast sandwich that hits all of the major food groups. This Tuna and Egg Scramble Sandwich is protein-packed, perfectly crispy, and just a tad bit spicy! Still being rather new to eating fish, I am always trying to come up with creative ways to cook with one of my favorite fish choices: tuna! I [...]
Honey Dijon Almond Crusted Salmon + Honey Dijon Dressed Arugula Salad
April 14, 2015 in Entrees, Recipes, Salads
This post is sponsored by Blue Diamond Almonds.A year ago, I never would have thought I would be eating salmon, much less loving salmon. Now I cannot get enough of it. Though fresh salmon can be on the pricey side (um, $7.99 per filet is rough on my credit card), I try to treat myself to [...]

Wednesday, Wednesday... oh how I like thee! Not love, though. Love is reserved for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. But only until about midday on Sunday. At that point the Monday-eve blues start setting in. As with nearly every other Wednesday here on Clean Eating Veggie Girl, I am celebrating What I Ate Wednesday and sharing [...]

Happy Friday! Jeremy is in town and I could not be more excited. I'll be working this morning and then taking the rest of the afternoon off. We have big plans for good eating and drinking this weekend, and I promise to recap it all on Monday. But until then, I am joining in on [...]

As I promised on Monday, today I am sharing an update on my health and diet. If you aren't into the nitty-gritty personal posts, I'll catch you tomorrow! But in hopes that I this post may connect with someone, I want to share my struggles and experiences throughout this bump in the road. I hope you [...]

It's April! Seriously? April? How in the heck did that happen? No complaints here. I'm excited that we are one month closer to summer! I don't have any fun April Fools tricks to play on you today. Instead, I have a full day of delicious eats to share. There's no joking about that! These are [...]

A super simple fried rice recipe that is gluten-free and chicken-free, but is certainly not skimping on flavor! Last week I mentioned that I recently made the decision to try out a gluten-free diet. I have been working with a functional medicine center for the past month, and in speaking with my nurse practitioner and reviewing [...]