32 Paleo Breakfast Ideas to help with meal planning for the week. Remember, breakfast does not have to equal "breakfast" foods! It's time to think outside of the box a bit. Scenario: You've adopted a Paleo diet. Finding lunch and dinner ideas are quite easy. But figuring out what in the heck to eat for [...]
meal plan

A little meal and snack planning inspiration on this Screenshot Sunday. It's a good thing I prefaced my first Screenshot Sunday post by stating that these would not be an every week thing because I have been big-time slacking. Every six-ish weeks works okay for you, right? Gosh, I hope so! As you can imagine, I [...]

This week I am straying away from my traditional What I Ate Wednesday post by sharing tons of meals and snacks that I have eaten recently, both via my iPhone and DSLR. No particular day. No particular time. Just lots of good eats from the past week or so, several of which you may have [...]

It's Sunday and I actually do not have the Sunday blues today! Why, you ask? Because I am one of the many who are lucky enough to have a three-day weekend! I am loving it, and I have decided that this needs to be a regular thing. If I had the opportunity to work four [...]