Another chickpea salad? Yes, this is happening. I hope you are not too upset with me. But you see, I have an obsession with chickpeas and I especially love them in "salad" form. I admit it. I'm not ashamed of it. And to be honest, I am quite certain that these chickpea salads will continue [...]

Today is a special day. Well, I'd like to think so at least. Today is my 26th birthday! Each year that my birthday rolls around, I become more and more surprised and amazed that I am as old as I am. I do not feel 26. Granted, I do not really think that I look [...]

Not very pretty, eh? I am going to be honest with you. I had zero intentions of sharing this recipe with all of you after I attempted to take pictures of it. I have said it before and I'll say it again. Soup and I are not friends. Now don't get me wrong. I love making and [...]

Have you ever heard of a loco moco? No? Okay, good because neither had I until about two months ago. My parents traveled to Hawaii in January while I stayed back in the freezing cold Midwest. Since both of my parents know how much I love food (obviously), my mom sent me quite a few [...]

I love Chinese food just as much as the next person. Unfortunately, my options for eating Chinese food at a restaurant or for picking up take-out after a long day of work are much smaller than they were when I ate meat. Do not get me wrong. Many Chinese restaurants offer vegetarian and vegan options. [...]

Last week I promised that I would share yet another spaghetti squash recipe with you. Because really, can there be enough of them? I think not and I hope you agree. And why it took me so long to combine two of my current favorite foods: curries and spaghetti squash- I have no idea! I [...]

It has been quite some time since I have written up a Magazine Monday post, now hasn't it? I have shared several of these in the past- with hopes of motivating myself to dig (and cook) through what seems like a never-ending pile of recipes torn from magazines. After a hiatus from my magazine cooking, [...]
Peanut Butter Blueberry Banana Breakfast Sandwich
February 20, 2014 in Breakfast, Recipes, Sandwiches
That is quite the title, eh? (<--I think I secretly wish I lived in Canada). It may be a long and complicated title, but I could not leave out any one of the delicious ingredients that make up this grilled breakfast sandwich. But do not worry. This sandwich is far from complicated. I often combine [...]

This is my version of a buffalo "chicken" salad. It has all of the goods: Chickpeas, buffalo sauce, celery, carrots, and ranch dressing. Oh, and it is vegan! Serve this up in hearts of Romaine lettuce or on toasted bread for lunch, or eat it with crackers or rice cakes for a snack. No matter [...]

It is confession time. Even though it has been weeks since I first teased you with a picture of this dish, I still have no desire to write up a post about it. It is not because it was not delicious. That is not it at all. In fact, this was tasty the first time [...]