It's Friday! Finally! Remember when I said that the week was going by quickly thanks to the three-day weekend? Yeah, I take that back. I think the cumulative of a long Wednesday and Thursday made up for the extra day off on Monday. This week did not feel any shorter to me, so I am [...]

So it may feel like Tuesday, but I am excited to tell you that it is not! It is Wednesday! That's right, veggie-loving friends. We already made it to hump-day and it feels like the week just started. This girl is not complaining. Like every other Wednesday, I am linking up with Jenn from Peas [...]

It's Sunday and I actually do not have the Sunday blues today! Why, you ask? Because I am one of the many who are lucky enough to have a three-day weekend! I am loving it, and I have decided that this needs to be a regular thing. If I had the opportunity to work four [...]

I hope I am not jinxing myself by saying this, but this week is actually going by fairly quickly so far. Maybe it is because I had a short work day on Monday? Or maybe it is because I am so excited for the three-day weekend coming up soon? Either way, I'll take it! I'll [...]

Paleo, gluten-free, grain-free, and dairy-free beef tacos stuffed in a veggified cabbage shell and topped with a cool and creamy salsa dressing. These are perfect for lunch, dinner, and any and every Taco Tuesday! Say hello to the first ever beef recipe to make its appearance on Clean Eating Veggie Girl! Come on, say it [...]

Wednesday = food day ... a full day of eats, that is! Let's take a gander (<-- does anyone else love that phrase?) at everything I ate this past Sunday when my mama was visiting. What I Ate Wednesday: May 6, 2015 My mom ran a 5k on Sunday morning, so it was an early [...]