Hi, to all of my fellow veggie lovers! I’m Kim from Hungry Healthy Girl, where I like creating a variety of recipes; some vegan and some not. There’s something for everyone! I’ve been reading Hannah’s blog for pretty much as long as I’ve been blogging. She’s always posting a new recipe that just blows my [...]

Hi everyone! Kelly here from Hidden Fruits and Veggies. I guest posted here last time Hannah took a blogcation and am super excited she asked me here again today. Hannah and I have pretty similar tastes when it comes to food, which basically means that we both have impeccable taste, right? One thing we share [...]

Hi friends! Hannah asked me to guest post for her while she’s away resting from the blog world and I was flattered and happy to do so! Thank you Hannah for letting me share my passion for eating more, not less and nourishing our bodies well. Our minds can be our best friend or our [...]

Several times each year I take a vacation from blogging, or what I like to call a "blogcation." After a busy holiday season and a four month long blog re-design (with the help from others, of course!), my brain and my body are ready for a bit of a break. Lucky for you, I have [...]

Do not worry. You are not lost, nor are you seeing things. Everything is, in fact, looking quite different around here in Clean Eating Veggie Girl land. After about a four month process, CEVG got a major face lift. She is now sporting a new header and layout, "About Me" and "Contact" pages, and categorized [...]

Potatoes are easily one of my favorite foods. I love them for breakfast (think hashbrowns, sweet potatoes, and hashes), lunch (think stuffed baked potatoes), and for dinner (think french fries, mashed, and roasted). I even eat sweet potatoes topped with nut butters as a snack. Basically, if you put some form of potato in front [...]

Since becoming a vegetarian who follows a mostly plant-based diet, I have really missed ranch dressing. I have found many other great vegan dressings to top my salads with, but my salads have just not been quite the same...until now. I made a vegan dill and ranch dressing, and I made it with tofu. Yes, tofu. [...]

I go through a lot of phases with my breakfasts. For awhile I was hooked on cereal. Then I moved to overnight oats. While I am still eating both of these on a regular basis, my one true love right now is the buckwheat bake. I made my first buckwheat bake after I saw one [...]

I have a lot of "go-tos" and obsessions when it comes to food. I love sweet potatoes, carrots, nut butters, lentils, bananas, etc., etc., etc. My favorite foods have all made appearances in my breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks at one point or another. But my all-time favorite food when it comes to snacks is probably [...]
The 3pm Snack: How to Make it Healthy + Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding & Blueberry Trail Mix Recipes
January 16, 2014 in Other, Snacks
I was provided with coupons for free product by Driscoll's Berries, but as always, all opinions are my own. I am a snacker. I am not one of those three meals and one snack kind of girls. No. I am more like a three meals and six snacks kind of girl. Snacks fuel me up [...]