A super simple Greek-inspired chickpea salad that is chock full of veggies. It is a delicious spring/summer side dish and the perfect make-ahead lunch. I am craving salads like mad right now. Salads with lettuce, salads with pasta (GF now), and of course one of my favorites, chickpea salads. At this point I am not discriminating. [...]

When you take a peek into my pantry, there are a few things that you will always, always find. Oatmeal? Check! Popcorn? Check! Nut butter? Check! And one other thing that I am quite fond of... Rice cakes! I kid you not. From the time I moved into my apartment over two years ago, I honestly [...]

Since beginning my journey towards becoming a more intuitive eater, I have picked up on several helpful principles that make being a mindful eater a bit easier. Today I am going to focus on mindful snacking, but these principles can certainly apply to full meals, as well. Let's take a look at seven of my [...]

A super simple fried rice recipe that is gluten-free and chicken-free, but is certainly not skimping on flavor! Last week I mentioned that I recently made the decision to try out a gluten-free diet. I have been working with a functional medicine center for the past month, and in speaking with my nurse practitioner and reviewing [...]

A protein and veggie-packed Mexican skillet that has summer written all over it... even if you choose to eat it at the start of spring! This dish looks like all sorts of summertime. It tastes like it, too! About two weeks ago, Omaha enjoyed 88 degree weather in the middle of MARCH. It was slightly [...]

Winner, winner, brinner for dinner! I have always wanted to say that. And lucky for me, these breakfast burritos finally gave me the opportunity to do so! This month's Three Cooks One Kitchen was a bit different than normal. You may have noticed that I titled the post, "Three Cooks Three Kitchens." This is because it [...]

A vegan and gluten-free Single-Serve Cacao Nib Banana Bread Muffin that perfectly satisfies your sweet tooth in a healthier way. Remember when I said that I was a big-time Tuesday hater? I wasn't lying. I generally am not a fan. But I am going to make an exception today. This Tuesday is a bit different [...]

A step-by-step pictorial on how to build The Best Veggie Sandwich using nearly everything but the kitchen sink. My sandwich cravings have been off the chart lately. A couple of years ago I heard "sandwich" and automatically thought it meant "unhealthy." Boy was I wrong. With the right ingredients, sandwiches are not only delicious, but [...]

A step-by-step pictorial on How to Roast Whole Carrots. Serve them alongside your favorite dish or in place of french fries, and eat them as a quick vegan, gluten-free snack! I am honestly beyond surprised that it took me nearly 27 years of my life to start roasting whole carrots. I am mostly surprised about [...]

Vegan and gluten-free three-ingredient Homemade Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Crackers that come together in three minutes flat. The sweet and salty combination just got a whole lot healthier and even more delicious! This picture looks a lot like my childhood, only healthier... and probably a lot prettier. I don't know about your family, but [...]