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July 2015

Disclaimer: I do not have Celiac disease and, therefore, was not overly concerned regarding possible cross-contamination when making my selections at the following restaurants.  If you have Celiac disease, I certainly recommend asking the appropriate questions of your server regarding “GF-marked” items. Eating Gluten-Free in Fort Collins and Denver, Colorado Following the second Colorado recap, [...]


It's Wednesday!  But this is not just any 'ole Wednesday.  This so happens to be the first What I Ate Wednesday of my very first Whole 30.  As a result, I thought it might be fun to show you exactly what I ate in an entire day on the Whole 30.  Hopefully it gives you [...]


Happy Monday, y'all!  I am on my way back to Omaha this morning, but for right now let's recap the Fourth of July weekend.  I had an amazing, productive, fun, and relaxing weekend.  I hope yours was just as great! Fourth of July Weekend Happenings I had Friday off from work, but it still started [...]


Disclaimer: I do not have Celiac disease and, therefore, was not overly concerned regarding possible cross-contamination when making my selections at the following restaurants.  If you have Celiac disease, I certainly recommend asking the appropriate questions of your server regarding “GF-marked” items. When we last left off, us girls had just driven to Breckenridge to [...]


July 1st?  Wowsers.  We are officially halfway through the year 2015, and I am pretty baffled as to how in the world that happened so quickly.  Any ideas?  Yeah, me neither! Today in celebration of What I Ate Wednesday, I am sharing a full day of my post-vacation eats.  I have to say that it [...]