I moved to Omaha a little over two years ago, and I can genuinely say that I love it here. While the weather is not always ideal, Omaha has so many things going for it. It has a "big city" feel without being too big. The shopping and entertainment opportunities are spot on. The beer scene keeps [...]

I'm scratching the small talk this morning and getting straight to the food... the What I Ate Wednesday food! Most Wednesdays I share a peek into a day of my weekend eats. I decided to mix things up this week and show what I ate on a work day during the week. Here are my mostly [...]

A collection of my favorite food blogs that never let me down when I am in need of a delicious and healthy recipe. I know you are going to love them, too! I may be a food blogger, but there is no way in hell heck that I am going to come up with my [...]

There are officially only seven days until Christmas Eve. That is one week, people! How crazy is that? That also means that there are only two weeks until New Years Eve, which means we are so close to the year 2015. I don't know about you, but 2014 has flown by for me. How about I [...]

Happy Tuesday! Or... maybe not. It is the dreaded Tuesday, after all. I am trying to stay positive, though, and there are a couple of ways that I am doing that. 1. Reminding myself that in exactly two weeks I will be heading home for the Christmas holiday. Seriously, how is it December 9th already? [...]

Sometimes I think it is slightly weird that I love to read about what other bloggers are eating, and that I thoroughly enjoy seeing what they keep in their pantries, freezers, and refrigerators. Weird or not, I have come to realize that I am certainly not the only person who is fascinated by what others [...]