A tutorial on how to make homemade elderberry syrup for way less than you can buy it in stores. Take elderberry syrup this Winter to help prevent colds and the flu or to minimize your symptoms. You know you are officially a "crunchy" mom when you find yourself making homemade elderberry syrup during nap time. [...]

When I'm not writing this 'ole blog, you are likely to find me at my full-time, 40-hour per week job. I work in higher education at a local state school, which results in me spending my days talking to mostly 18 to 22 year-olds about academics, life, career goals, etc. I have worked at this particular institution [...]

Three years ago, gaining weight would have had a profound impact on me emotionally. And not in a good way. Roughly three to four years ago I was experiencing an immense amount of change, both personally and professionally, and having control over my body's weight was the only way I felt I had some semblance [...]

My Four-Day Food Rotation Diet and Why It Sucks... How's that for a super blunt title? But for realz. Rotation diets are not fun. Just ask Jeremy. He'll tell you that about all I have done for the past six weeks is whine about meal planning, prepping, and all things food-related. For awhile I actually [...]

I have been working on my physical health for at least two to three years now. The acid reflux, the joint/muscle pain, the irregular periods, the hair loss, the cystic acne, etc. I've made dietary and supplement changes. I have changed up my workout routine. I have been sleeping more. But I have also come [...]