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WIAW: December 4, 2013

in Other

Today’s day of eats is brought to you by the day after Thanksgiving!  I ate seriously good food on Thanksgiving, and I let the good food keep on rolling right into Friday (with slightly smaller portion sizes, though ;)).  Let’s take a look see at What I Ate Wednesday Friday (yes, I am getting really bad about just choosing random days of the week for these posts…oops!).

Also, fyi…I have noticed that while my pictures are never spectacular, they are especially sad when taken at my parents’ house.  Apparently my apartment has better lighting.  Who knew?!


WIAW 12413y

Breakfast consisted of cocoa overnight oats to which I added pureed butternut squash (leftover from making my butternut squash lentil loaf -sounds weird to put it in oats, but I swear you can’t taste it), peanut butter, puffed kamut cereal, and raisins.  This was the perfect way to start off my Friday, and it gave me the fuel I needed to head off to the gym for some strength training.

Mid-Morning Snack

WIAW 12413 2After my workout I did some foam rolling and then snacked on a banana…big surprise there ;).


Nasoya majorly hooked me up with some of their vegan “nayonaise.”  We’re talking nine jars.  I’ll definitely be sharing since they expire in April.  There is no way I can go through all of that, even if I do enjoy vegan mayo!

WIAW 12413 4I used the whipped variety to make one of my favorite  easy lunches: curry egg salad.  Is it ironic that I used egg-free mayo in an egg salad?  Maybe so, but hey, I like it!

WIAW 12413 5I served my curry egg salad on two rice cakes and also enjoyed some raw carrots, sugar snap peas, and a dill pickle spear.  Can everyone agree that Claussen’s are the best pickles?  This lunch really hit the spot.

Afternoon Snackage

WIAW 12413 6A giant golden delicious apple.  This is one of my favorite varieties right now.

WIAW 12413 7And half of a pumpkin pie Larabar.


WIAW 12413 9Dinner consisted of leftover butternut squash lentil loaf served on top of two pieces of toasted Ezekiel bread and doused in barbecue sauce.

WIAW 12413 8I also sauteed up some collard greens with red peppers.  Talk about deeelicious!

Evening Snack

If this counts as an evening snack…I went out to a couple of bars with my hometown friends and drank beer and shared a slice of pumpkin pie.  Then I ate some Pop Chips when I got home around 2:30 a.m.  Definitely haven’t stayed awake that late in a long time.  I must be getting old ;).

Elf for Health: Water Intake

WIAW 12413 3As a part of the Elf for Health Challenge, I tracked my water intake on Friday.  My goal was to drink at least 50 ounces, and I surpassed that be drinking over 75 ounces.  I am definitely getting a lot better about getting in my water, and I think my body is really appreciating it.

What did your after Thanksgiving Day of eats look like?  Did you find a creative way to eat your leftovers?

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