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third trimester

40 Week Pregnancy Update

All of my previous pregnancy update posts covered four-week time spans.  But now that things are getting down to the wire (hello, 40 weeks), I figured I had better pop back in for one last update. I'm not going to lie, I sort of hoped I wouldn't get to this post.  But here we are [...]

38 Week Pregnancy Update as we near the end of the third trimester!

As I sat down to write this update post, I got to thinking that this could legitimately be the last update post I write.  Crazy, right?  The 38 week mark hit last Thursday, so I am actually 38 weeks and four days today. It is so weird to think that baby could come TODAY, or [...]

Third Trimester Pregnancy Eats and Meal Ideas | cleaneatingveggiegirl.com

These weeks of pregnancy are just a flyin' by!  How in the world we are already to the end of the third trimester sure beats me.  But I'll take it! My food aversions and cravings have changed quite a bit over the past 37ish weeks.  And as a result, my days of eats have been [...]

Our Gender Neutral Nursery Tour | cleaneatingveggiegirl.com

Our Gender Neutral Nursery Tour Happy Monday to you!  I am three days away from 37 weeks, or "early full term."  And now that it is really feeling like crunch time, I am so relieved that baby's nursery is all put together... or at least enough to share all of the deets with you! Since [...]

34 week pregnancy update

We are getting so close and yet it still feels like it is so far away!  I have to say that the planner in me does not love not knowing when baby will arrive.  But I guess that just adds to the fun of pregnancy <-- I'm being slightly facetious here.  Regardless, the countdown is on! This [...]

The Baby Shower | cleaneatingveggiegirl.com

Today officially marks 32 weeks into this pregnancy, and I feel like time is moving by slowly and quickly all at the same time.  We still have quite a few house projects to accomplish, and I need to finish decorating the nursery.  So I'm thinking we need at least another month before I will feel really [...]

30 Week Pregnancy Update | cleaneatingveggiegirl.com

Hello, 30 weeks!  We have reached the 30's and the third trimester, which makes everything feel even more real.  I have to say that it is weird to think about when baby will come.  I know realistically that a lot of people go past their due date, but I have seen so many first-time mothers lately who have [...]