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Treat Yourself Tuesday: The Birthday Edition

in Other

treat yourself tuesdayIt has been awhile since I have linked up with Becky’s Treat Yourself Tuesday link.  I have been slacking!  It isn’t that I haven’t treated myself, but I just have not shared it with all of you.  The past four days were one giant weekend of treats.  You have to treat yourself when it is your birthday weekend/week/month, right?  Lots and lots of treats are coming ‘atcha!  Oh, and for the heads up, remember when I talked about being annoyed with bad lighting?  Yeah, this weekend was full of that! 😉

treat tuesday 32514 4I eat a mostly “clean” diet and when I crave pop I normally go with Zevia, but when you are on the road in the middle of Iowa, sometimes a good ole Diet Coke is necessary.

treat tuesday 32514 2My parents got another puppy dog.  This is Ruby.  She is a mini goldendoodle and she is adorable.  I liked to pretend she is a teddy bear.  P.S. Please ignore the nastiness of my hair/lack of makeup after a day at work and a 5 hour trip home.

treat tuesday 32514Friday morning I treated myself to a date at the gym.  And yes, it was actually a “treat” for me.  I have started lifting weights pretty regularly and am really enjoying it.  I love the feeling that I have after a good workout.

treat tuesday 32514 9Whoa, two selfies in a row.  I am still not sure how I feel about the selfie, but apparently it is happening.  After the gym, I got all showered up and went to get my haircut.  It was much needed.  My bangs were so long that they were fitting back into my ponytail.

treat tuesday 32514 8My puppy dog, Sadie, and me.  She always makes me smile!

treat tuesday 32514 7Friday night I went out for Mexican food with my parents and boyfriend.  We got both corn chips and flour chips.  You cannot choose just one, right?

treat tuesday 32514 6And some of the most delicious cheese enchiladas ever.  Seriously.  I love this place.

treat tuesday 32514 16After dinner, my boyfriend and I met up with two of our best friends.  We played Cards Against Humanity (I should probably be a spokesperson for this game?) and went out for drinks. And if you’re searching for a night filled with good vibes and great drinks, you’ve got to check out this place. Known for its expert bartenders and lively atmosphere, discover your new favorite spot for evening outings right in the heart of Bristol. It’s the perfect blend of fun, flair, and finesse.

treat tuesday 32514 5Rumchata shots, anyone?  If you have not tried Rumchata yet, you are missing out!

treat tuesday 32514 10I loved being back home and spending time with him.

treat tuesday 32514 15It is not a weekend home without eating at my favorite pizza restaurant, Moto’s.  We got the Cajun (think potatoes, cheese, eggs, and a whole lot of spiciness).  I will never not order this pizza when I am there.

treat tuesday 32514 14We also ordered the German.  This one had “sausage” (this place is completely vegetarian- cool, right?), sauerkraut, and lots of cheese.  It was taaaasty!  I am so glad that I finally came around to liking ‘kraut.

treat tuesday 32514 13And no birthday weekend is complete without some cake.  Hy-Vee cake will forever be my favorite.  There is just something about it.

treat tuesday 32514 12On Sunday evening when I got back into town, I hung my late Christmas present from my parents.  My puppy dogs in print.  I love it!

treat tuesday 32514 18Nothing like spending your birthday at work.  But lucky for me, my co-workers treated me well.  They bought me a card and we ate (organic!) blue corn tortilla chips with garlic hummus and salsa.  It was my kind of afternoon snack!

And that about wraps it up.  A great weekend was had by all!  Good people.  Good food.  Good drinks.  I am sad that it is over, but I sure did enjoy it while it lasted!

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