Does anyone else feel like they blinked and suddenly it was December? No? Just me? Yeah right. I know I am not the only one who has had a completely nutso year. With pregnancy, house projects, HAVING A BABY, working, blogging, and just trying to stay afloat while also getting a few hours of shut-eye, my [...]

When I'm not writing this 'ole blog, you are likely to find me at my full-time, 40-hour per week job. I work in higher education at a local state school, which results in me spending my days talking to mostly 18 to 22 year-olds about academics, life, career goals, etc. I have worked at this particular institution [...]

Three years ago, gaining weight would have had a profound impact on me emotionally. And not in a good way. Roughly three to four years ago I was experiencing an immense amount of change, both personally and professionally, and having control over my body's weight was the only way I felt I had some semblance [...]

Stop the Numbers Game I have always been a competitive person, which I think largely stems from my tendency to seek out perfectionism in myself. Growing up, I often felt like I was in competition with my classmates for who could earn the best grades in school. My brother and I were especially competitive when [...]

I'm taking a break from the food today for a little Tuesday self-care, self-love action! You don't have to be the perfect everything. You don't have to be it all. You don't have to do it all. It is so easy to feel like we have to be everything to everyone. STOP feeling that way [...]

A body positive challenge, you say? Don't worry. This is nothing official. It is just my way of attempting to make a small mark in this big internet world. It is my way to encourage you to start (or keep) being NICE to your body and yourself. And while we're all at it, lets encourage [...]

Learn how to stop worrying about what others think of you with two simple sentences! For as long as I can remember, I have been a worry wart. I somewhat blame it on my environment growing up since basically everyone's experiences as children and teens tend to impact their personality as adults. I also largely attribute it [...]

Even though I have been talking about Summer for what seems like about two months now, the official start of the season isn't actually until today. And with the beginning of Summer comes a ton of great things. Barbecues Vacations Friends and family gatherings Pool parties River days Delicious food and drinks And those are [...]

When you experience chronic pain and health issues, it is difficult not to let the frustration, anger, and "why me?" situations get the best of you. If you have experienced something similar, you likely know exactly what I am talking about. I have spent the better half of my almost three years of chronic pain [...]