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"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are"- Theodore Roosevelt thanks to Erin for this picture! Do What You Can, When You Can {Sweat, Cycle & Soul Review} I do not normally start off my posts with quotes from famous people.  In fact, I never have.  But this one just seemed fitting! [...]


Happy Sunday, all!  I hope your first weekend in May is treating you well.  Mine has been great so far.  My mom is in town visiting, and we have been enjoying filling our days with a little relaxing, plenty of shopping, and some delicious eats. Last night we dined at a new-to-me restaurant here in [...]


As I promised on Monday, today I am sharing an update on my health and diet.  If you aren't into the nitty-gritty personal posts, I'll catch you tomorrow!  But in hopes that I this post may connect with someone, I want to share my struggles and experiences throughout this bump in the road.  I hope you [...]