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I May Never Be a Famous Food Blogger…

in Other


Hi!  I’m Hannah…

Oh wait.  Most of you already know that.

Anyways, moving on from that slightly awkward moment… let’s get a little more serious.  But serious in a good way.

It is easy to get caught up in the “I’m not good enough,” “I’m not popular enough,” “I wish I had more unique views/page views/followers, etc.” talk, but when it comes down to it, blogging is a lot more than just that.  I think it is time that we all check those negative thoughts at the door and focus on the positives.  Blogging sure has brought a lot of things and people into my life that I cannot imagine being without.

I’m Hannah and I May Never Be a Famous Food Blogger

…but blogging helped me discover and cultivate a passion for vegetarian and vegan cooking that I might never have developed otherwise.

I May Never Be a Famous Food Blogger…

…but I have learned a wealth of information regarding health and nutrition from the blogosphere and am now aware of my love for sharing this with others.

I May Never Be a Famous Food Blogger…

…but I have stepped outside of my comfort zone on many occasions and have learned how to cook numerous dishes/foods that used to be completely “foreign” to me (tempeh, tofu, seitan, etc.).

pepper jelly tempeh 4

I May Never Be a Famous Food Blogger…

…but I have learned far more than I ever thought possible when it comes to technology, WordPress, being self-hosted, etc.  Granted, my knowledge is still very limited.

I May Never Be a Famous Food Blogger…

…but I have been given the opportunity to work with so many amazing restaurants and companies who share my passion for a healthy lifestyle.

whole foods blogsgiving

I May Never Be a Famous Food Blogger…

…but I have been given the opportunity to express myself through my writing, and have been able to do it for fun instead of simply for work.

I May Never Be a Famous Food Blogger…

…but I have gone from being Pinterest/Twitter/Instagram opposed and ignorant to actually embracing and enjoying what it has to offer me as a professional, friend, and individual.

I May Never Be a Famous Food Blogger…

…but I have grown as an individual, professional, and team member by becoming a part of the Omaha Bloggers community.


I May Never Be a Famous Food Blogger…

…but I find happiness and support every single day in what the blogging community has brought to me, especially during tough times.

I May Never Be a Famous Food Blogger…

…but I have friends all over the world, and not many people can say that!

I May Never Be a Famous Food Blogger…

…but blogging has forced enabled me to step outside of my comfort zone on many occasions.

I May Never Be a Famous Food Blogger…

…but I was fortunate enough to have a blog that connected me to my first friends here in Omaha.  Without blogging, I would still likely feel incredible lost in a city five hours from “home.”

lululemon spin class(Yes, we work out together!)

I May Never Be a Famous Food Blogger…

…but I will forever have an online collection of my recipes, and am prepared for a lifetime of delicious plant-based cooking and eating.

I May Never Be a Famous Food Blogger (and likely will not)…

…but I am amazed by all that I have accomplished and how my blog has transitioned and improved over the past almost two years.  And that is something that I am quite proud of!

Why do you blog?

What have you gained from blogging?

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