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October 2013

I don't know about you, but Tuesdays are not one of my favorite days.  I have decided that Tuesdays are actually one of the "worst" days of the week.  They are far away from the weekend and they always seem to just draaaaag along.  Anybody with me on this one?  Yes?  Okay good, I'm not crazy ;). [...]


Fall = pumpkin season in foodie land.  But do you know what other fabulous food this season brings?  Why, spaghetti squash, of course!  Since October began, I have roasted somewhere around five spaghetti squashes.  My cravings for spaghetti squash have been in full force and I most certainly do not see them disappearing anytime soon. [...]


Hi y'all!!  So this is not a post that I want to be writing.  However, I am feeling quite desperate. I am having a horrible time getting switched over to a self-hosted blog.  I have signed up with Bluehost and have downloaded Wordpress.org through them.  I have gone through the process of exporting my blog [...]


Let's be honest.  The idea of eating cookies for breakfast pretty much sounds amazing, right?  Take my word for it.  It is amazing.  For the past couple of weeks I have been enjoying my Banana Pumpkin Breakfast Cookie.  Pumpkin is all the rage right now, after all.  Hopefully pumpkin will be okay with sharing the [...]


I received this bad boy in the mail a few weeks ago for review, and let me just say...I was just a wee bit excited about it!  Pretty much any cookbook that is focused on easy vegan recipes excites me, but this one had me especially intrigued since it is a companion to The China [...]


Now that is is officially Fall, it is only fitting that I dedicate a "Friday Foodie Favorites" post to one of my all-time favorite foods: pumpkin!  I know that I am not alone with my pumpkin-loving feelings, so hopefully these recipes and products will give you some fantastic ideas to satisfy all of your pumpkin [...]


Today's What I Ate Wednesday post is going to be exactly how the title sounds...nearly wordless.  Enjoy the pictures of What I Ate Wednesday Tuesday! Breakfast Part 1: sliced banana + crunchy almond butter Part 2: pumpkin oatmeal bake No, not the whole pan, but a third of it topped with a fresh peach and peanut [...]


Happy October 1st (crazy, right?) and happy World Vegetarian Day! :) I have to start this posting by giving myself a little pat on the back.  For the first time ever, this past weekend I did real "meal prep."  I have been known to rice some cauliflower or cut up some fruit, but this Sunday [...]