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September 2012

Many of you are curious about what types of foods and cooking ingredients I keep on hand and use frequently when cooking vegetarian.  I have compiled a list of what I consider to be essential healthy vegetarian kitchen staples.  I hope you find this helpful! Oils and Spices Cabinet Extra Virgin Olive Oil Extra Virgin Olive [...]

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in Other

It is that time of the week....time for "What I Ate Wednesday."  September's theme is "Fall Into Good Habits."             Breakfast Whenever I eat cereal I always mix up my own combination in order to keep things interesting each morning.  The essential cereal that always goes into my bowl is [...]


Vegetarian Cavatelli

in Entrees, Other

Last night I created a recipe for vegetarian cavatelli using inspiration from a cavatelli recipe in a Hy-Vee Seasons magazine.  I changed up the recipe in order to make a meat-free, healthier version.  I have found that it is quite easy to take an ordinarily meat-focused recipe and adapt it to make it vegetarian friendly. Vegetarian [...]


It is never "too early" for a delicious bowl of chili!  While it may only be the beginning of September and technically fall has not arrived, I am officially in the fall/winter cooking mood.  On the cooking agenda for Monday night: a nice warm bowl of vegetarian chili! Yum!  I used the same major staples [...]


A couple of weeks ago I posted a picture on Facebook of a delicious sandwich I made, and received many comments and questions full of curiosity about the vegan "eggless" salad sandwich that I was SO excited about.  I have never been a fan of egg salad sandwiches, but this "eggless" salad sandwich is the bomb! [...]


....it is almost fall- my favorite season of the year!  Not only is the weather nearly perfect (I love jeans and sweatshirt weather!), but fall means it is also time for apple picking (so excited for honeycrisps!), corn mazes, The Tri-State Rodeo, pumpkin carving, roasting pumpkin seeds, colorful leaves on the trees, tailgating?, long walks outside, and cooking warm [...]


Where Is All the Protein?

in Breakfast, Other

One of the first questions that I am often asked when people find out that I am a vegetarian is: "How do you get enough protein?"  A huge misconception in our society is that the majority of the protein an individual consumes must come from meat!  This is far from being true.  In actuality, protein is found [...]