I hope everyone is having a great Labor Day weekend! I just wanted to pop in real quick and announce the winners of my Four Days of Giveaways blogiversary celebration. The lucky winners are as follows: Ninja Ultima Blender: Marie Field Roast Burgers and Frankfurters: Courtney S Blue Diamond Almonds: Paige C Driscoll's Berries: Erin and [...]

It is the fourth and final day of my Four Days of Giveaways celebrating my two year blogiversary! This giveaway is being offered up by one of my favorite companies when it comes to produce: Driscoll's Berries. I am a sucker for strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries, so you can pretty much find at least [...]

For the third day of my Four Days of Giveaways celebration for my blogiversary, I am turning to my friends over at Blue Diamond Almonds for a prize that will keep you snacking happy... well, that is until you run out and have to go buy more. Trust me, after you try these flavors you will [...]

It is Day Two of my Four Days of Giveaways celebrating my blogiversary! I am so excited for whoever will win today's prize! It is no secret that I have been a lover of the Field Roast brand since becoming a vegetarian. I talk about and incorporate their vegan sausages into my recipes on an [...]

This week is an exciting week here in Clean Eating Veggie Girl land. I cannot even believe that I am saying this, but today marks my two year blogging anniversary- or "blogiversary" as I like to refer to it! Two years ago today I posted my first recipe for a delicious Spinach, Tomato, Onion, Artichoke, Basil [...]
Olives ‘n Wine Turns 1!: Featuring Jalapeno-Spiced Black Bean Burgers
November 13, 2013 in Other, SandwichesToday is a special day. Why, you ask? Well...today is Becky's one year blogiversary! Every one say hi to Becky! This girlie is awesome! I have been following her blog for quite some time now and was lucky enough to finally meet her this past September at the Healthy Living Summit. She is sweet and [...]