A look at how I am healing Chronic Lyme Disease including the use of herbal tinctures, my detox routine, an update on my diet, and the financial costs of healing. Healing Herbs It have been about five months since my Chronic Lyme Disease diagnosis and about two months since I started treatment. To recap, I [...]
Health Update

A look at my postpartum flare up of chronic Lyme disease and a couple of "new" diagnoses. It has been a wild last few months. Learning how to be a mom is hard. Learning how to be a mom when you do not feel well is even more difficult. If you have been around for [...]

As I sit down to write this post, I am realizing it has been ages since I have given one of these updates (it looks like June of 2016, to be exact). In all honesty, when dealing with chronic health issues that you cannot seem to get a diagnosis for, you eventually just try to [...]

My Four-Day Food Rotation Diet and Why It Sucks... How's that for a super blunt title? But for realz. Rotation diets are not fun. Just ask Jeremy. He'll tell you that about all I have done for the past six weeks is whine about meal planning, prepping, and all things food-related. For awhile I actually [...]

{I wrote this post about two weeks ago, prior to my honeymoon blogging break. During this time, I became very ill and tested positive for mono at an urgent care facility while on vacation. Safe to say, our honeymoon ended early and was not at all what we had hoped for. As you can also [...]