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I don't know about you, but one of the best ways to eat leftover pizza is for breakfast.  I remember doing this quite frequently growing up, especially during my college years.  And yes, I ate the leftover pizza cold, of course!  A few mornings ago I decided to combine my love for breakfast food and [...]


Soup season is definitely in full swing, especially with the sudden drop in temperatures here in Iowa over the past few days.  And thank goodness for that, because now I can feel less crazy for making soups and stews A LOT (I guess it is "weird" to crave and cook chili in the middle of [...]


So....this might be a day late.  But hey, I have been a busy girl.  So take it or leave it! ;)  Here is another edition of "What I Ate Wednesday," that just so happens to be posted on a Thursday!                 Breakfast             [...]


Keeping this recipe in mind, there really are no excuses for not preparing a healthy lunch or dinner.  This soup takes only 5 minutes to make, it is chocked full of nutritious vegetables, it is low in calories, and most importantly...it tastes delicious.  What makes this recipe even better, is that it enables you to prepare a [...]


I am a big pasta lover, but I try to only eat it on occasion in an attempt to avoid a carb-overload (don't get me wrong, despite the beliefs of many, carbs ARE good!).  When I saw Iowa Girl Eat's blog post for a Broccoli-Chicken Mac & Cheese (http://iowagirleats.com/2012/10/08/broccoli-chicken-mac-cheese-30-minute-meal/), I was inspired to create this dish: [...]

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It has been awhile since I have shared a "roasted" recipe with you, but I had a MAJOR craving for roasted vegetables last night and was eager to try out roasting some new veggies!  On the menu for this meal: roasted sweet potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, and zucchini.  Plus, as a side I cooked up some deliciously seasoned [...]


On Tuesday of this past week my boyfriend and I headed out for what I would call "the perfect fall day."  Not only was the weather great with 70 degree temperatures in October (minus it being a bit too windy, for my liking), but we had several fun fall-themed activities planned.  We started the day [...]


I don't know about you, but I love ice cream!  Ice cream from the grocery store, soft-serve ice cream, frozen yogurt...you name it, I love it!  What I do not like is the fat and calories associated with fulfilling my cravings for ice cream.  While this recipe is not the same thing as "real" ice cream, [...]


          Last night I was looking for a quick, simple meal to make that would be pleasing to everyone's pallets.  The solution: homemade taco salads.  This is a great meal to eat and it contributes nicely towards your daily protein and veggie needs.  Plus, it is delicious! Servings: 4-6 Ingredients homemade corn tortilla [...]


Last night I ate one of the latest dinners ever.  My boyfriend and I both got off of work at 6 and afterwards we went to visit the puppies that his dog created...so adorable!  By the time we got home, I fixed dinner, and we sat down to eat, it was 9:45!  As you would [...]