Welp, I did it again. I just had to make a breakfast dish made with quinoa. I find it weird that I actually crave quinoa, but it is true. And trust me, I am totally not complaining. Generally I stick with eating quinoa for lunch or dinner, but on occasion, I love centering my breakfast [...]
Now and then my creative juices are flowing and my mind begins to wander and I think, "what if," or "I wonder what that would taste like." It is at these moments that things like this happen... ...and boy, I am sure glad that it did! Fruit Pizza Whole Wheat [...]
I have seen countless recipes on food blogs and in magazines that utilize tempeh as the star ingredient. For months now I have been wanting to cook with tempeh. I bookmarked recipes utilizing tempeh, but never took the plunge. Finally, about a week ago, I purchased my first package of tempeh and got to cooking. [...]
I have been majorly craving "comfort food" lately. But not just any comfort food. This kind of comfort food... I have always been a fan of chili mac. Not only is it incredibly tasty, but the entire concept of chili mac is so simplistic and easy to make. Naturally, my [...]
I know what you are probably thinking..."for a girl who never used to like mushrooms, she sure does post a lot of recipes with them!" And you would be right. I fully admit that my taste buds were steered wrong in the past. I was fooled by the strange looks [...]
So, I teased you with this picture five days ago, and I had originally planned on posting the recipe in a week or so. However, so many of you were so excited for the recipe that I caved and decided to post it early. I have to give the people [...]
At this point in my blogging "career," I think that it would come as no surprise to anyway who frequents my blog that I have a love for quinoa, peas, vegetarian "bacon," and Laughing Cow cheese wedges. So, naturally, as my mind was wandering and thinking of new recipe [...]
Snow storm "Q" (seriously, what kind of a name is that?) has officially hit the Omaha, NE area. And with this mighty storm, which is expected to bring somewhere around 7" of snow to my area, I received the nice blessing of leaving work at 1:00 p.m. and working from home for the remainder of [...]
What does this picture remind you of? Scrambled eggs, right? Well...not quite! It is actually tofu! Tofu is often used as a substitute for meat in vegetarian and vegan dishes, but did you know that it makes a great substitute for scrambled eggs? I have read about and heard of [...]
If you have been reading my blog for very long, one thing that you have definitely picked up on is that I have a great love for chickpeas. I love them in Indian-inspired dishes, in soups, on salads, and now.... roasted! Is it just me, or does pretty much everything [...]