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Friday Favorites

Happy Friday everyone!  I am so excited that we have almost made it through the work week.  The weekend has been calling my name for days now...or more like since Monday ;).  I am off to Des Moines this weekend to spend some quality time with my brother and mom.  I am looking forward to [...]


Boy am I glad that it is Friday!  It has been crazy busy this week at work and I am so SO ready for a (hopefully) relaxing weekend.  Are you up to anything fun?  The only things that I have planned to do are to sleep in (assuming my body will let me sleep past [...]


I just have to say that I am extra excited about the fact that today is Friday!  It has been a long, busy, and stressful week, so the weekend cannot get here soon enough!  Plus, today at work we are having a department retreat day off campus and get to head home at 2 p.m.  [...]


Friday Foodie Favorites...and a Not So Favorite As I have mentioned before, I have a TON of recipes bookmarked on my computer.  Honestly, it is a bit embarrassing to scroll through my list.  Not to mention the fact that it is kind of like looking for a needle in a haystack when I am trying [...]


"Friday Favorites" is a popular blogging concept featured throughout the healthy living blogging community.  This Friday (though I normally do not post on Fridays), I decided to do my own version of my Friday Favorites.  This list of favorites includes several of my favorite recipes that I have bookmarked in the past (some many months [...]