Happy Wednesday, everyone!! We are more than halfway through the work week. And in fact, I will not be working on Friday so I only have to make it through one more day. I may be just a little bit excited about this! And do you know what else I am excited about? Joining in on the What I Ate Wednesday party, of course! Thanks to Jenn at Peas and Crayons for hosting!
This morning I ate one of my favorite breakfasts: A sweet and savory waffle-wich breakfast sandwich! My waffle-wich consisted of 2 whole grain waffles, 1 wedge of Weight Watchers white cheddar cheese spread, scrambled eggwhites, and blackberry jam. This was SO good!
On the side I ate Greek vanilla yogurt with fresh strawberries and blackberries. I am loving that berries are finally getting into their peak season. Not only are they tasting sweeter and juicier, but they are also a lot cheaper!
I snacked on a perfectly ripe banana mid-way through my morning at work.
Today’s lunch was leftovers from Tuesday night’s dinner: Masala Burgers from the Everyday Happy Herbivore cookbook, roasted green beans, and a dill pickle spear.
Before heading to the gym for some weight training, I snacked on a Zone Perfect Perfectly Simple peanut crunch bar. This is one of the only protein bars that I will eat because it only contains six ingredients! How awesome is that?
Tonight’s dinner was a delicious Mexican-inspired barley dish. More on this one on Friday!
Tonight’s snacks have/will consist of:
Green peas, celery, and carrots with hummus…
…fresh fruit (because I cannot get enough!)…
…and some air-popped popcorn sprayed with coconut oil spray and topped with sea salt and nutritional yeast.
This has been one tasty day of eats and I cannot wait for it to continue!
There are only a couple of days remaining for the Larabar Giveaway, so head on over to the giveaway post and enter!