Happy Wednesday everyone! Is it just me, or is this week actually moving right along? Trust me, I am so not complaining!
Now let’s get to today’s eats…
What I Ate Wednesday
Breakfast/Morning Snack
Unfortunately, I do not have much going on for this as far as pictures go. We were treated to breakfast pizza at work today, so I had 1 1/2 slices of delicious veggie breakfast pizza. It has been forever since I have eaten breakfast pizza. Note to self: eat it more than once every 3 or 4 years!
I also ate a sweet mandarin orange to balance out the saltiness of the pizza. I don’t know about you, but I always need something sweet to compliment a salty or savory dish.
My mid-morning snack was the usual: a banana!
Lunch consisted of leftovers from last night’s dinner (hence the non-Tupperware picture). I ate “Bacon” and Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms (recipe to come!) with a side of butternut squash.
I also snacked on some baby carrots dipped in hummus.
After work, and prior to heading out for a 3 mile walk (yay for decent weather!), I snacked on an apple dipped in this:
Lately, I cannot get enough of this almond butter. It is just SO tasty!
For tonight’s dinner I made Creamy Mushroom Barley from The Happy Herbivore Abroad cookbook. As with all of her recipes, this dish did not disappoint! And yes, the girl who used to hate mushrooms, ate mushrooms for two of my meals today. Pretty crazy! 😉
Tonight’s snacks included/will include: Roasted Radish Chips, cooked green peas, some fresh fruit (cantaloupe, blackberries, strawberries, and blueberries), and a TBD salty snack (probably Pop Chips or lentil chips).
All I can say about today’s eats is YUM! And to go with this month’s WIAW theme, my vegetable count for the day was….approximately 7 servings. What can I say, I love vegetables!